HET Seminar
August 1st, 2010 to July 31st, 2011. Previous/next year.
Sep13 |
Christopher Vermillion
University of Louisville
12:30 PM
| Jet Substructure at the LHC:Techniques, Tools, and Tests (plus a little Theory) | |
Sep20 |
John Mason
Harvard University
| Higgs Decays to two Neutralinos in GMSB | |
Sep27 |
David Krohn
Harvard University
| Discovering New Physics at the LHC with Jets and Jet Substructure" | |
Oct01 |
Jesse Thaler
12:30 PM
| Aspects of Goldstini | |
Oct15 |
Veronica Sanz
York University
| CANCELLED: Going over the top | |
Oct18 |
Antonio Delgado
Notre Dame University
12:30 PM
| The S-MSSM: the singlet saves the day | |
Oct25 |
Matt Baumgart
Johns Hopkins University
12:30 PM
| Systematic Improvement of Parton Showers with Effective Theory | |
Nov01 |
Itay Yavin
New York University
12:30 PM
| Recent Developments in Direct Detection of Dark Matter | |
Nov08 |
Jared Kaplan
12:30 PM
| Discovering New Light States at Neutrino Experiments | |
Nov15 |
Johannes Heinonen
University of Chicago
12:30 PM
| "5D UED: Flat and Flavorless" | |
Nov18 |
Ruggero Tacchi
UC Davis
Special Time - 2:00 PM
| Minimal Conformal Technicolor | |
Nov22 |
Rouven Essig
11:45 PM
| The Search for New GeV-scale Forces | |
Nov29 |
Joao Penedones
Perimeter Institute
12:30 PM
| Writing CFT correlation functions as AdS scattering amplitudes | |
Dec06 |
Mariangela Lisanti
Princeton University
12:30 PM
| The Dark Matter at the End of the Galaxy | |
Jan24 |
Frank Tackmann
12:30 PM
| Higgs Production with a Central Jet Veto at NNLL+NNLO | |
Jan31 |
Sergei Dubovsky
12:30 PM
| Exploring the String Axiverse with Astrophysical Black Holes | |
Feb01 |
Dr. John Ellis
Special Event, Tuesday 3:30 PM, Refreshments served at 3:15 PM
| Perspectives for Discovering New Physics at the CERN Large Hadron Collider | |
Feb07 |
Can Kilic
Rutgers University
12:30 PM
| Model Independent Approaches to Constraining Dark Matter | |
Feb14 |
Nima Arkani-Hamed
Institute for Advanced Study
12:30 PM
| Space-Time, Quantum Mechanics and Scattering Amplitudes | |
Feb28 |
Christopher Lee
12:30 PM
| An Enhanced Source for Electroweak Baryogenesis | |
Mar07 |
Johan Alwall
12:30 PM
| MadGraph 5: The all-new matrix element generator for Everything | |
Mar10 |
Tomer Volansky
UC Berkeley
| Particles and Fields | |
Mar11 |
Misha Shifman
University of Minnesota
Room PRB365, 12:30PM
| Confined Magnetic Monopoles in Dense QCD | |
Mar21 |
Devin Walker
Harvard University
12:30 PM/Postponed - will update soon
| Particles and Fields | |
Mar28 |
Tuhin Roy
University of Washington
12:30 PM
| SUGRA without MSUGRA | |
Apr04 |
Andrew Blechman
Wayne State University
12:30 PM
| Flavoring the Type-111 2 Higgs Doublet Model | |
Apr11 |
David Simmons-Duffin
Harvard University
12:30 PM
| N=1 SQCD and the Transverse Field Ising Model | |
Apr21 |
Devin Walker
Harvard University
Note: Special Day, Thursday 12:30 PM
| Dark Baryogenesis | |
Apr25 |
David Tucker-Smith
Williams College
12:30 PM
| An effective Z' | |
Apr28 |
Jiji Fan
Princeton University
Special Event, Thursday, 3:30 PM
| Effective AdS/renormalized CFT | |
May10 |
Pierluigi Catastini
Harvard University
Special Event, Tuesday, May 10 at 11:00 AM
| Invariant Mass Distribution of Jet Pairs Produced in Association with a W Boson in p\bar{p} Collisions at \sqrt{s} = 1.96 TeV |