Advanced Graduate Courses

GRS PY 621: Advanced Scientific Computing in Physics

Same description as CAS PY 421 with additional work required.

GRS PY 677: An Introduction to Evidence-Based Undergraduate STEM Teaching

Online course with in-person faculty-led sessions where participants learn about effective teaching strategies and the research that supports them, and apply approaches to lesson design and assignments for future teaching opportunities. Also offered as GRS BI 677 and GRS CH 677.

GRS PY 699: Teaching College Physics I

The goals, contents, and methods of instruction in physics. General teaching-learning issues. Required of all teaching fellows.

GRS PY 713: Quantum Field Theory I

For particle physics students concurrent enrollment in CAS PY 551 or GRS PY 751 is strongly recommended. Provides an introduction to the techniques of quantum field theory with applications to high-energy and condensed-matter physics. Topics include field equations and quantization of many-body systems; Green function and linear response theory; S-matrix and scattering theory; path integration; perturbation expansions and the Feynman rules; renormalization and effective field theories; expansion and critical exponents.

GRS PY 714: Quantum Field Theory II

A continuation of GRS PY 713 for particle physicists. Topics include relativistic fields; LSZ formalism; the Lorentz group; quantum electrodynamics; nonabelian gauge symmetry; spontaneous symmetry breaking; Goldstone's theorem; the Higgs mechanism; the Glashow-Weinberg-Salam model.

GRS PY 731: Theory of Relativity

Space-times, space-time structures and gravitation. Affine spaces, pseudo-metric spaces and special-relativistic space-time. Manifolds, connections, and curvature. Four-dimensional formulation of Newton's Theory of Gravitation. Physics in locally special-relativistic space-times. Gravitational field equations. Weak gravitational fields. Schwarzschild solution. Variational principles and initial value problems. Gravitational radiation.

GRS PY 741: Solid-State Physics I

One particle band structure. Electrons: Hartree-Fock and density functional frameworks; Green function, pseudopotentials and tight binding methods. Linear response, optical properties and optical transitions. Phonons: lattice dynamics and phenomenological methods. Many-body formalism and second quantization. Electron-phonon interactions and related phenomena.

GRS PY 742: Solid-State Physics II

Many-body Green function formalism, perturbation theory and Feynman diagrams. Quantum transport theory and Kubo formula. Fermi liquids; Luttinger liquids and bosonization. Fermi liquid instabilities: superconductivity, itinerant magnetism, spin-density waves. Magnetic impurities, Anderson model, Kondo effect. Quantum magnetism and spin-wave theory.

GRS PY 743: Low-Temperature Physics

Superconductivity, superfluidity, and properties of 3He and 4He at low temperatures. Techniques and measurement of physical quantities near absolute zero.

GRS PY 744: Polymer Physics

Introduction to polymer physics, focusing on the structure, phase behavior, and dynamics of isolated chains, polymer solutions, and gels. Development of underlying theoretical formalism and comparison with experimental results. Discussion of applications to novel polymeric materials.

GRS PY 745: Experimental Surface Physics and Chemistry

Introduction to the principles and experimental techniques of surface and interface physics and chemistry. Electronic, structural, vibrational, and magnetic properties of solid surfaces and interfaces. Emphasis on how these properties are measured. Also vacuum technology and x-ray generation.

GRS PY 747: Advanced Statistical Mechanics

Classical and quantum statistical ensembles and their physical interpretations; connection between statistical and thermodynamic quantities. Irreversible process: Boltzmann equation, transport theory, thermal fluctuations, introduction to stochastic process theory. Applications, e.g., imperfect gases, phase transitions, cooperative phenomena, and liquid helium.

GRS PY 751: High-Energy Physics I

Yearlong course on phenomenological aspects of modern high-energy physics. Principal topics are the standard model of strong and electro-weak interactions and the physics of electro-weak symmetry breaking. Intended for both theoretical and experimental students and emphasizes current calculational techniques.

GRS PY 752: High-Energy Physics II

Yearlong course on phenomenological aspects of modern high-energy physics. Principal topics are the standard model of strong and electro-weak interactions and the physics of electro-weak symmetry breaking. Intended for both theoretical and experimental students and emphasizes current calculational techniques.

GRS PY 771: Systems Biology for Physical Scientists and Engineers

Focus in modern work on modeling biochemical networks. Core material includes signaling, genetic switches, biological oscillators and development. Begins with chemical kinetics in the context of molecular biology. Simple yet informative models based on physics approaches are emphasized.

GRS PY 782: Advanced Materials Characterization

Introduction to the principles and applications of advanced materials characterization including study of atomic structure, electronic structure, defects, mechanical properties, transport properties and carrier dynamics.

GRS PY 789: Computational Quantum Many-Body Physics

This course introduces computational techniques for lattice models of interacting fermions, bosons, and quantum spins. Methods include Lanczos diagonalization, matrix-product states, and quantum Monte Carlo methods. Applications are taken from condensed matter and quantum-device physics (e.g., quantum annealing).

GRS PY 811: Advanced Quantum Field Theory

Covers advanced methods in quantum field theory. Topics vary with interests of the instructor and students as well as the state of current research.

GRS PY 841: Symmetry in Solid-State Physics

Theory of finite groups, crystalline point groups, crystal double groups, crystal field theory, selection rules, perturbation theory, Kramer's theorem, applications to solid-state physics.

GRS PY 895: Seminar: Special Topics in Theoretical Physics

Theoretical research topics include general relativity, quantum field theory, high energy and particle physics, phase transitions, renormalization group, laser physics, kinetic equations, biophysics, computational physics, and selected topics in mathematical physics.

GRS PY 896: Seminar: Special Topics in Theoretical Physics

Theoretical research topics include general relativity, quantum field theory, high energy and particle physics, phase transitions, renormalization group, laser physics, kinetic equations, biophysics, computational physics, and selected topics in mathematical physics.

GRS PY 897: Seminar: Special Topics in Experimental Physics

Surface physics; intermediate energy nuclear physics experiments; low temperature techniques, liquid and solid helium, and magnetism at low temperatures. Raman effect, gels, and biophysics. High-energy physics experimental techniques.

GRS PY 901, 902: Research in Physics

A directed study for physics research credit.

GRS PY 961: Scholary Methods in Physics

Introduction to scholarly methods in physics teaching and research: Effective STEM instructional techniques; successful oral and written presentations; reading and reporting scientific literature; ethical obligations in physics teaching and research; career paths in physics. Required of first-semester doctoral students.