Jet Substructure at the LHC:Techniques, Tools, and Tests (plus a little Theory)

Note: 12:30 PM
Speaker: Christopher Vermillion, University of Louisville

When: September 13, 2010 (Mon), 12:30PM to 01:30PM (add to my calendar)
Location: PRB 595

This event is part of the HET Seminar Series.

I explore many aspects of jet substructure at the Large Hadron Collider, ranging from theoretical techniques for jet calculations, to phenomenological tools for better searches with jets, to software tools for implementing and comparing such tools. I will touch briefly on an application of soft-collinear effective theory, an effective theory of QCD applied to high-energy quarks and gluons. I will highlight work in which we demonstrate factorization and logarithmic resummation for a certain class of observables at electron-positron collisions. I will then discuss various phenomenological aspects of jet substructure in simulated events, and suggest a method for improving searches for heavy particles that decay to one or more jets. Finally, I give a quick overview of the software tools available for these kinds of studies, with a focus on SpartyJet, a package for implementing and comparing jet-based analyses I have collaborated on. I will conclude with some thoughts on how to test jet substructure techniques in early data at the LHC.