Writing CFT correlation functions as AdS scattering amplitudes

Note: 12:30 PM
Speaker: Joao Penedones, Perimeter Institute

When: November 29, 2010 (Mon), 12:30PM to 01:30PM (add to my calendar)
Location: PRB 595

This event is part of the HET Seminar Series.

Abstract: I will explore the Mellin representation of conformal correlation functions recently proposed by Mack. The Mellin amplitudes are crossing symmetric meromorphic functions analogous to scattering amplitudes of old dual models. Examples in the AdS/CFT context reinforce the analogy between Mellin amplitudes and scattering amplitudes. This leads to a simple formula relating the bulk scattering amplitudes to the asymptotic behavior of Mellin amplitudes. Mellin amplitudes are particularly useful in the case of conformal gauge theories in the planar limit. In this case, the four point Mellin amplitudes are meromorphic functions whose poles and their residues are entirely determined by two and three point functions of single-trace operators. This makes the Mellin amplitudes the ideal objects to attempt the conformal bootstrap program in higher dimensions.