"5D UED: Flat and Flavorless"
This event is part of the HET Seminar Series.
Unlike supersymmetric models (SUSY), models with a flat extra dimension (UED) do not address the hierarchy problem. In fact the only problem of the standard model that they can solve is the existence of dark matter, provided there exist a reflection parity (KK-parity). However, UED is still interesting as a “straw man” to pit against SUSY from the perspective of model discrimination at the LHC.
I will present an investigation of the flavor structure of UED with KK-parity. I will show how ultra-light states make the construction of a realistic UED model with flavor difficult and that the experimental bounds in general require a high cut off of order few 1000 TeV. Adding new brane localized operators can reduce these bounds. However, the new resulting theory will not be a flat anymore, in the sense that it mimics a double throat warped extra dimension.