Model Independent Approaches to Constraining Dark Matter
Note: 12:30 PM
Speaker: Can Kilic, Rutgers University
When: February 7, 2011 (Mon), 12:30PM to 01:30PM (add to my calendar)
Location: PRB 595
This event is part of the HET Seminar Series.
With a potential discovery of DM around the corner, we take an orthogonal approach to building models in order to fit anomalies. We look for model-independent correlations that link results of DM searches in different channels, or robust predictions for distinctive features of possible signals. Specifically I will talk about how an indirect detection signal in neutrinos along with direct detection bounds can point to a potential discovery channel at the LHC, how unitarity considerations can put a lower bound on the strength of a gamma ray line in indirect detection experiments, and how to distinguish DM that transforms non-trivially under the SM flavor symmetries at the LHC.