HET Seminar
August 1st, 2011 to July 31st, 2012. Previous/next year.
Sep19 |
Nathaniel Craig
Rutgers University/IAS
| New dynamics and dualities in supersymmetric chiral gauge theories | |
Sep26 |
Matt Reece
Harvard University
| Low-Scale SUSY Breaking: Cosmology & Collider Signals | |
Oct03 |
David Shih
Rutgers University
| The Status of GMSB after 1/fb at the LHC | |
Oct13 |
Josh Ruderman
University of California, Berkeley
Note different day - Thursday; different time - 3:30 PM
| Stealth SUSY | |
Oct17 |
Yang Bai
| Nonstandard Dark Matter Signatures at the LHC | |
Oct24 |
Jessie Shelton
Yale University
| Boosting LHC discovery reach with jet substructure | |
Nov07 |
Tim Tait
University of California, Irvine
| CANCELLED: Cancelled | |
Nov14 |
Joachim Kopp
| Phenomenology with sterile neutrinos - From neutrino oscillations to dark matter searches | |
Nov21 |
Joshua Berger
Cornell University
| New CP violating observables for the LHC | |
Nov28 |
Graham Kribs
University of Oregon
| The Stealthy Higgs | |
Dec05 |
Matthew Schwartz
Harvard University
| Jet Physics from Static Charges in AdS | |
Dec12 |
Jasper Hasenkamp
| Reconciling supersymmetry with leptogenesis by the strong CP problem and observations | |
Jan24 |
Sergei Dubovsky
New York University
Special day/time: Tuesday, Jan. 24 at 1:00 PM
| Effective String Theory Revisited | |
Jan30 |
Felix Yu
| Constraints on New Physics Explanations for the Evidence of CPV in D^0 Decays from LHCb | |
Feb06 |
Amjad Ashoorian
Uppsala University, Sweden
| M-flation and 1/N Resolution eta Problem | |
Feb13 |
Jared Kaplan
Stanford University, SLAC
| "The Holographic S-Matrix" | |
Feb16 |
Xingang Chen
Cambridge University
Special day/time: Thursday, Feb. 16 at 3:30 PM
| Signatures of SuperSymmetry in primordial density perturbations | |
Feb27 |
Francesco D'Ermo
| Dark Matter Assimilation into the Baryon Asymmetry | |
Mar08 |
Alessandro Vichi
UC Berkeley
Special day/time: Thursday, March 8 at 12:30 PM
| Carving out the space of CFT's | |
Mar19 |
Wei Wang
William and Mary
| Observation of Electron Antineutrino Disappearance at Daya Bay | |
Mar26 |
Yuri Gereshtein
Rutgers University
| Squeezing blood from stone: multivariate methods for higgs search in di-photons at CMS | |
Apr05 |
Jeremy Mardon
Stanford University
Note special day/time: Thursday, April 5 at 3:30 PM
| But what if it's not a WIMP? DM direct detection down to the MeV scale | |
Apr19 |
Monika Blake
Cornell University
Note special day/time: Thursday, April 19 at 3:30 PM
| Left-right models confronting flavor constraints | |
Apr23 |
Leonardo Senatore
Stanford University
| On Loops in Single Clock Inflation and their IR behavior | |
Apr30 |
Michael Cheng
Boston University, Physics
| Dynamical Electroweak Symmetry Breaking and Lattice Gauge Theory | |
May07 |
Oliver Witzel
Boston University, Center for Computational Science
| B-meson physics with dynamical domain-wall light quarks and nonperturbatively tuned relativistic b-quarks |