Sep12 |
J. C. Seamus Davis
Visualizing Complex Electronic Quantum Matter |
Host: Anders Sandvik |
Sep19 |
Matthew Fisher
KITP, UC Santa Barbara
Quantum Choreography: Exotica Inside Crystals |
Sep26 |
Prof. Ulrich Heintz - High Energy Physics and Prof. Ophelia Tsui - Soft Condensed Matter Physics
Faculty Research Symposium |
Host: Shyamsunder Erramilli |
Oct03 |
James W. Rohlf
Physics at the CERN Hadron Collider |
Host: Anders Sandvik |
Oct17 |
Angela Olinto
University of Chicago
A New Era if UHE Cosmic Ray and Neutrino Astrophyics |
Host: Andrew Cohen |
Oct24 |
Ray Laflamme
University of Waterloo, Perimeter Institute, Ontario, Canada
Quantum Computing |
Host: Andrew Cohen |
Oct31 |
Nancy Kopell
Boston University
Multiple Rhythms and Switches in the Nervous System |
Host: Raj Mohanty |
Nov07 |
Philip Kim
Columbia University
Relativistic Quantum Physics at Your Pencil Tips: Dirac Fermion in Graphitic Carbon |
Host: Antonio Castro Neto |
Nov14 |
Lee Smolin
Perimeter Institute, Canada
Quantum Gravity and the Standard Model |
Host: John Stachel |
Dec05 |
Mike Lubell
American Physical Society
Science on the National Agenda: The Road Back |
Host: Bennett Goldberg |
Jan23 |
Marcelo Gleiser
Dartmouth College
The Chirality of Life: A Field Theory Approach |
Host: Antonio Castro Neto |
Jan30 |
Marusa Bradac
KIPAC Institute, Stanford
Shedding Light on Dark Matter: Seeing the Invisible with Gravitational Lensing |
Host: Emanuel Katz |
Feb06 |
Eugene Demler
Strongly correlated quantum systems: from electronic materials to cold atoms |
Host: Anatoli Polkovnikov |
Feb13 |
Amit Meller
Boston University
DNA translocation, diffusion and unzipping through a Nanopore: The physics of polymers in a highly confined space |
Host: Shyamsunder Erramilli |
Feb27 |
Gerald Gabrielse
Harvard University
New Measurement of the Electron Magnetic Moment and the Fine Structure Constant |
Host: Lee Roberts |
Mar01 |
Andrei Ruckenstein
Rutgers University
Towards Quantitative Models of Thranscription: Where is the Physics in Biology? |
Mar20 |
Doug Durian
U. Penn
Unified force law for impact cratering in loose granular media |
Host: Sidney Redner |
Apr10 |
Jim Cronin, Nobel Laureate
Enrico Fermi Institute at the University of Chicago
Dean S. Edmonds, Sr. Memorial Lecture
Cosmic Rays: the most energetic particles in the universe |
Host: Lawrence Sulak |
Apr17 |
John Marko
Department of Physics and Astronomy and Department of Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Cell Biology, Northwestern University
Micromechanical study of DNA-protein interactions and chromosome structure |
Host: Rama Bansil |
Apr24 |
David Pines
Physics Dept. UC Davis and UIUC, and MPA Division, Los Alamos
A Tale of Two Fluids: From the Kondo Lattice to Underdoped Cuprates |
Host: David Campbell |
May01 |
Anna Swan
Boston University
Photo-physics of carbon nanotubes |
Host: Ophelia Tsui |