Sep18 |
Gyan Bhanot
Rutgers University
What PCA and clustering reveal about human migration, longevity and breast cancer (Poster) |
Host: Bennett Goldberg |
Sep25 |
Phuan Ong
Princeton University
"The pseudogap and the phase diagram of the cuprate superconductors" (Poster) |
Host: Ophelia Tsui |
Oct16 |
David Huse
Princeton University
Paired-Fermion superfluids with ultracold atoms (Poster) |
Host: Antonio Castro Neto |
Oct23 |
Robert Grober
Yale University
When Obsessions Collide: Golf and Physics (Poster) |
Host: Bennett Goldberg |
Oct30 |
Gerson Goldhaber
The discovery of Dark Energy (Poster) |
Host: Lawrence Sulak |
Nov13 |
Eric Adelberger
University of Washington
Recent Gravitational Experiments and their Implications for Particle Physics (Poster) |
Host: Andrew Cohen, Sheldon Glashow |
Dec04 |
Pier Oddone
Director, Fermilab
Refreshments served at 3:00 PM
"The Future of Particle Physics" (Poster) |
Host: Ulrich Heintz |
Jan22 |
S. Julio Friedmann
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Thinking Big: Carbon Capture and Sequestration as a Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Strategy (Poster) |
Host: Andrew Cohen |
Jan29 |
Joan Adler
Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
Atomistic simulation and visualization: modeling in the world of condensed matter (Poster) |
Host: William Klein |
Feb14 |
Christopher Llewellyn-Smith
Oxford University, UK
Special Colloquium/Special Day
The Path to Fusion Power (Poster) |
Mar18 |
Don Eigler
IBM Fellow, IBM Almaden Research Center, Harvard University
The Quest for Spin Cascade Logic Circuits (Poster) |
Host: William Klein |
Apr01 |
Mikhail A. Anisimov
University of Maryland
Soft Matter: Finding Simplicity in Complexity (Poster) |
Host: H. Eugene Stanley |
Apr08 |
Robert H. Austin
Princeton University
Of Bugs and Men: Game Playing, Evolution and Adaptation for Physicists (Poster) |
Host: Ophelia Tsui |
Apr15 |
Carlos Sa de Melo
Georgia Tech and Joint Quantum Institute University of Maryland/NIST
The Evolution from BCS to Bose-Einstein Condensation: Superfluidity in Metals, Neutron Stars, Nuclei, and Ultra-Cold Atoms (Poster) |
Host: Antonio Castro Neto |
Apr17 |
Robert Aymar
Director General, CERN
Dean S. Edmonds, Sr. Lecture; Refreshments served at 3:00 PM
The Future of Physics: challenges and opportunities at the Large Hadron Collider (Poster) |
Host: Lawrence Sulak |
Apr22 |
Ned Wingreen
Princeton University
E. coli's division decision: modeling Min-protein oscillations (Poster) |
Host: Bennett Goldberg |