HET Seminar
August 1st, 2013 to July 31st, 2014. Previous/next year.
Sep04 |
Peter Graham
Stanford University
Note: Special day, Wed. 9/4 3:45 PM
| Axion Detection with NMR | |
Sep11 |
Gordan Krnjaic
Perimeter Institute, Canada
Note: New day & Time - Wednesday 3:45 PM
| Next Generation Beam Dump Experiments to Search for Light Dark Matter | |
Sep18 |
Tracy Slatyer
| The Inner Galaxy Excess in GeV Gamma-Rays: A Possible Signal of Annihilating Dark Matter | |
Sep25 |
Andreas Stergiou
Yale University
| Weyl consistency conditions | |
Oct02 |
Julian Sonner
| The Schwinger effect and the geometry of entanglement | |
Oct09 |
John Terning
University of California, Davis
New time for this event: 3:30 PM
| Dilatons and Fine Tuning | |
Oct16 |
Brian Swingle
Harvard University
| Entanglement and geometry | |
Oct24 |
Julien Lesgourgues
CERN, Geneva, and EPFL, Lausanne
Note: Special Day - Thursday; Special Time -11:30 AM
| TBA | |
Nov06 |
Anna Hasenfratz
University of Colorado
| Strongly coupled gauge theories in and out of the conformal window | |
Nov13 |
Benjamin Safdi
Princeton University
| The Effect of Gravitational Focusing on Annual Modulation | |
Dec04 |
Sonia El Hedri
Stanford University
| Bottom-up naturalness | |
Dec11 |
Spencer Chang
University of Oregon
| Effective WIMPs | |
Jan22 |
Piyush Kumar
Yale University
| The Holomorphic Higgs Portal : General methods for the Higgs Lagrangian in SUSY | |
Jan29 |
Paul Chesler
| Numerical relativity beyond astrophysics | |
Feb05 |
Joan Elias Miro
Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona
| Higgs Windows to New Physics Through d=6 Operators | |
Feb12 |
Nathaniel Craig
Rutgers University
| New signs of naturalness | |
Feb19 |
Matthew Schwartz
Harvard University
| The Heart of Factorization | |
Mar05 |
Nabil Iqbal
| Holographic Entanglement Entropy and Gravitational Anomalies | |
Mar19 |
A. Liam Fitzpatrick
Stanford University
| Wilsonian and Large N Approaches to Non-Fermi Liquids | |
Mar26 |
Junko Shigemitsu
Ohio State
| Precision Flavor Physics from Lattice QCD | |
Apr02 |
Matthew Walters
Johns Hopkins University
| Long-Distance AdS Physics from the CFT Bootstrap | |
Apr09 |
Aneesh Manohar
| Dimension six operators and Higgs Phenomenology | |
Apr15 |
David Simmons-Duffin
Institute for Advanced Study
Note: Special Day - Tuesday
| The 3d Ising Spectrum Minimizes c | |
Apr16 |
JiJi Fan
Syracuse University
| In wino veritas | |
Apr23 |
Duff Neill
| Measuring two observables on a single jet | |
Apr30 |
Walter Goldberger
Yale University
| Unitarity and the OPE in non-relativistic CFTs | |
May07 |
Raman Sundrum
University of Maryland