The Holomorphic Higgs Portal : General methods for the Higgs Lagrangian in SUSY

Speaker: Piyush Kumar, Yale University

When: January 22, 2014 (Wed), 03:30PM to 04:30PM (add to my calendar)
Location: PRB 595

This event is part of the HET Seminar Series.

Abstract: We develop a systematic and general approach to study the effective Higgs Lagrangian in a supersymmetric framework in which the Higgs fields in the visible sector couple weakly to another sector. The extra sector, which may be strongly coupled in general, is assumed to be superconformal in the ultraviolet, but develop a mass-gap with supersymmetry breaking in the infrared close to the TeV scale. The main technique used in our approach is that of the Operator Product Expansion (OPE). By using OPE methods we are able to compute the parameters in the Higgs Lagrangian to quadratic order and make general statements that are applicable to many classes of models. This approach allows us to understand the traditional problems plaguing simple models from a different perspective, provides a unifying framework to describe the various solutions considered for these problems, and in the process, also suggests new possibilities. The methods and results of our work should be useful in eventually constructing a viable and natural model of Beyond-the-Standard Model physics.