Reconciling supersymmetry with leptogenesis by the strong CP problem and observations
Speaker: Jasper Hasenkamp, DESY
When: December 12, 2011 (Mon), 12:30PM to 01:30PM (add to my calendar)
Location: PRB 595
This event is part of the HET Seminar Series.
A consistent cosmology has to explain the observed matter composition of
the Universe and should enable solutions to all problems of the standard
model. To this end, we investigate solutions to the gravitino
problem of leptogenesis as origin of matter and at the same time
implement the Peccei-Quinn mechanism as solution to the strong CP
problem. In this overall picture a consistent cosmology appears--maybe
counter-intuitively-- easier to achieve than particular solutions to
each subproblem. Problems often even turn out as fortunes. More
importantly, such scenarios are, in addition, observable in the cosmic
microwave background and the gravitational wave background from inflation.
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