Biophysics/Condensed Matter
August 1st, 2014 to July 31st, 2015. Previous/next year.
Dr. Sergey Syzranov
University of Colorado, Boulder
9 AM
| Transport in Dirac materials exposed to strong electromagnetic radiation | Host: Anatoli Polkovnikov |
Prof. Vladimir Gritsev
University of Amsterdam
| TBA | Host: Anatoli Polkovnikov |
Sep12 SCI 352
12:00pm |
Daniel Stein
New York University
Pizza served at 11:45 AM
| Spin Glasses: What's the Big Idea? (Is There One?) | Host: Raj Mohanty |
Andreas Läuchli
University of Innsbruck
Note special day, time: Monday at 11 AM
| Entanglement spectroscopy of quantum matter | Host: Anders Sandvik |
Marin Bukov
Boston University
| CMT Group Meeting | |
Cheng-Wei Liu
Boston University
11 AM
| CMT group meeting | |
Dr. Michael Tomka
Boston University
11 AM
| CMT Group Meeting | |
Oct10 SCI 352
12:00pm |
Dr. Katherine R. Thomas
Ass't Editor of Physical Review Letters
Pizza served at 11:45 AM
| Inside Physical Review Letters: An introduction to scientific publishing | Host: Ophelia Tsui |
Oct24 SCI 352
12:00pm |
Dr. Ilija Zelikovic
Boston College
Pizza served at 11:45 AM
| Strain engineering Dirac surface states in topological crystalline insulator heteroepitaxial thin films | Host: Claudio Chamon, Michael El-Batanouny |
Joshuah Heath
University of Vermont
| CANCELLED: CMT group meeting | |
Valentin Kasper
University of Heidelberg
| Real-Time Dynamics of Fermions in Gauge Theories | Host: Shainen Davidson |
Oct31 SCI 352
3:00pm |
Prof. Jason Amsden
Duke University
Note: Special Time - 3:00 PM
| Enabling mass spectrometer miniaturization using microfabrication and aperture coding | Host: Shyamsunder Erramilli |
Dr. Luca D'Alessio
Penn State University & Boston University
11 AM
| Dynamical preparation of Floquet Chern insulators: A no-go theorem and the experiments | Host: Anatoli Polkovnikov |
Nov07 SCI 352
12:00pm |
Sahar Sharifzadeh
ECE, Boston University
Pizza served at 11:45 AM
| Towards Computational Design of the Optoelectronic Properties of Organic Materials | Host: Ophelia Tsui |
Dr. Michael Knap
Harvard University
11 AM
| Relaxation dynamics, thermalization, and dynamic phase transitions in Heisenberg quantum magnets | Host: Marin Bukov |
Nov14 SCI 352
12:00pm |
Arshad Kudrolli
Clark University
Pizza served at 11:45 AM
| Aggregation, packing, and response of soft matter | Host: William Klein |
Maria-Theresa Rieder
Freie Universität Berlin
Note: Special day,Thursday
| Disorder-induced phase transitions in multichannel Majorana wires | Host: Thomas Iadecola |
Prof. Walter Hofstetter
Goethe University, Frankfurt
Note special day, time: Friday at 10 AM
| Quantum Simulations with Ultracold Atoms and Ions: Beyond Standard Optical Lattices | Host: Anatoli Polkovnikov |
Nov21 SCI 352
12:00pm |
Joseph Checkelsky
Pizza served at 11:45 AM
| Probing Topological Phases by Materials Design | Host: Michael Kolodrubetz |
Nov24 SCI 352
12:00pm |
Hai-Tao Zhang
Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Pizza served at 11:45 AM .......Note: Special Day
| Phase Transitions in Animal Motions | Host: H. Eugene Stanley |
Dr. Adolfo Grushin
MPIPKS, Dresden
Note: Event moved from 11/26 to 12/2/14
| Stability of Chern and Fractional Chern insulators | Host: Claudio Chamon |
Bernardo Zubillaga
Boston University
| CMT Group Meeting | |
Dec05 SCI 352
12:00pm |
Rick Averitt
University of California, San Diego
Pizza served at 11:45 AM
| Nonequilibrium Dynamics in Complex Materials | Host: Ophelia Tsui |
Dec08 SCI 352
12:00pm |
Manuel I. Marques
Universidad Autonoma de Madrid,Spain.
Pizza served at 11:45 AM .......Note: Special Day
| Light as a Mechanism to Tailor Diffusion | Host: H. Eugene Stanley |
Dec09 SCI 352
11:00am |
Dr. Kimberly Reynolds
The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
Note: Special day, time - Tuesday, 11:00 AM
| Evolutionary Design Principles for Cellular Systems | Host: Plamen Ivanov |
Dec12 SCI 352
12:00pm |
Dr. Charles Neill
UC Santa Barbara
Pizza served at 11:45 AM
| Chaotic dynamics in quantum circuits | Host: Anatoli Polkovnikov |
Jan16 SCI 352
12:00pm |
Victor Brar
California Institute of Technology
| Surface Plasmons and Impurity States in Graphene | |
Nima Dehmamy
Boston University
| CMT Group Meeting | |
Jan23 SCI 352
12:00pm |
Trevor David Rhone
NTT Japan and Tohoku University
| NMR profiling of quantum electron solids in high magnetic fields | |
Jan30 SCI 352
12:00pm |
Alex Sushkov
Harvard University
| Magnetic Resonance with Single Nuclear-Spin Sensitivity | |
Jan30 SCI 328
3:00pm |
Nima Dehmamy
Boston University
Special event
| "From Classical Fields to Complex Networks of Arbitrary degree distribution and high clustering" | |
Feb03 SCI 109
3:30pm |
Ileana Rau
IBM Research, San Jose, CA
Seminar in SCI 109
| Toward Single Atom Magnets | |
Ted Pudlik
Boston University
| CMT Group Meeting | |
Feb06 SCI 352
12:00pm |
Luqiao Liu
IBM, Yorktown Heights, NY
| Spin orbit interaction induced magnetic dynamics | |
Prof. Aldofo del Campo
University of Massachusetts, Boston
| Shortcuts to adiabaticity across a phase transition | Host: Michael Kolodrubetz |
Feb13 SCI 352
12:00pm |
Ilija Zeljkovic
Boston College
| Dirac fermions and broken symmetries in topological crystalline insulators | |
Dr. Julian Struck
| Artificial Gauge Fields in Driven Optical Lattices | Host: Marin Bukov |
Mar06 SCI 352
12:00pm |
Prof. Andrea Gabrielli
University of Rome
Pizza served at 11:45 AM
| A Physicist Looks at the Brain | Host: H. Eugene Stanley |
Dr. Marco Schiro'
Institut de Physique Théorique (IPhT), Saclay France.
| Transient Orthogonality Catastrophe in a Time Dependent Nonequilibrium Environment | |
Professor Sarah Keller
University of Washington
Note special time - 3:00 PM, day - Thursday .....Refreshments served
| Membrane biophysics | Host: Shyamsunder Erramilli |
Mar13 SCI 352
12:00pm |
Prof. Antonio Scala
Institute of Complex Systems, CNR, Italy IMT Alti Studi Lucca, Italy....... LIMS the London Institute for Mathematical Sciences, UK
Pizza served at 11:45 AM
| Statistical physics of power grids | Host: H. Eugene Stanley |
Prof. Masaki Oshikawa
University of Tokyo
| Symmetry protection of critical phases and global anomaly in 1+1 dimensions | Host: Claudio Chamon |
Mar20 SCI 352
12:00pm |
Owen Myers
University of Vermont
Pizza served at 11:45 AM
| Dynamics and Statistical Mechanics of Long-Range Interacting Particles in a Parametrically Driven Periodic Potential | Host: Anatoli Polkovnikov |
Dr. Rajeev Singh
MPIPKS, Dresden
| Many-body localization and its signatures in quantum quenches | |
Dr. Luiz Santos
Perimeter Institute
| Stroboscopic Symmetry Protected Topological Phases | Host: Claudio Chamon |
Apr01 SCI 328
4:00pm |
Nikolay V. Dokholyan
University of North Carolina
Special day, special time: Wednesday, 4 PM, SCI328
| Controlling allosteric networks in proteins | Host: H. Eugene Stanley |
Prof. Kirill Korolev
Boston University
| CMT Group Meeting | |
Apr22 SCI 328
11:00am |
Dr. Sarang Gopalakrishnan
Harvard University
| Slow dynamics in and around many-body localized states | |
Apr24 SCI 352
12:00pm |
Fernando Bresme
Imperial College, London
Pizza served at 11:45 AM
| "Novel Physics of Water and Nanoparticles at Interfaces" | Host: H. Eugene Stanley |
Apr29 SCI 352
12:00pm |
Professor Hajime Tanaka
University of Tokyo
Pizza served at 11:45 AM; Note Special Day - Wednesday
| Role of precursors in crystal nucleation: From hard spheres to water | Host: H. Eugene Stanley |
Pankaj Mehta
Boston University
11:00 AM
| CMT Group Meeting | |
Ramis Movassagh
MIT and Northeastern University
11:00 AM
| A counterexample to the area law for quantum matter | Host: Claudio Chamon |
May15 SCI 328
12:00pm |
Nikolay Brilliantov
University of Leicester, Leicester, UK
Pizza served at 11:45 AM; Note Special Location
| Aggregation and fragmentation kinetics. Application to Planetary Rings. | Host: Paul Krapivsky |
Dr. Monika Aidelsburger
Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich
| Artificial magnetic fields with ultracold atoms in optical lattices and Chern-number measurement | Host: Marin Bukov |
Dr. Johannes Nübler
Technische Universität München, Munich
| Adsorption-desorption kinetics of soft particles and application to chromatin assembly | Host: Kirill Korolev |