Sep15 |
Al Nathan
University of Illinois/Urbana-Champaign
Physics and Baseball: An Intersection of Passions (Poster) |
Host: James Miller |
Sep22 |
Chris Quigg
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
The Coming Revolutions in Particle Physics (Poster) |
Host: Lawrence Sulak |
Sep29 |
Arno Heister
Boston University, CERN
What physics can we expect from the coming year's run of the Large Hadron Collider? (Poster) |
Host: James Rohlf, Lawrence Sulak |
Oct06 |
Michael El-Batanouny
Boston University
Science, Technology and Diplomacy (Poster) |
Host: William Klein |
Oct20 |
Bulbul Chakraborty
Brandeis University
Fluctuations, Response, Entropy and "Temperature" in Granular Packings (Poster) |
Host: William Klein |
Oct27 |
Sajeev John
University of Toronto
Photonic Band Gap Materials: Light Trapping Crystals (Poster) |
Host: Shyamsunder Erramilli |
Nov03 |
Art Ramirez
University of Santa Cruz
How Organic Semiconductors Work (Poster) |
Host: Bennett Goldberg |
Nov10 |
Steve Girvin
Yale University
Quantum Signals: Noise and Amplification (Poster) |
Host: Anatoli Polkovnikov |
Nov17 |
Lene Vestergaard-Hau
Harvard University
The Benson T. Chertok Lecture
Wizardry with light: freeze, teleport, and go! (Poster) |
Host: William Klein |
Dec08 |
Laurent Seuront
Flinders University, Adelaide, Australia; South Australian Research and Development Institute, West Beach, Australia
Special Colloquium
When statistical physics meets with evolution: Insights into the complex adaptivity to Creation's main stimuli -- sex and food (Poster) |
Host: H. Eugene Stanley |
Jan19 |
Rick Averitt
Boston University
Magnetic Metamaterials: New Opportunities in Electromagnetism (Poster) |
Host: William Klein |
Jan26 |
Monica Olvera de la Cruz
Northwestern University
Ionic Driven Self-Assemblies: Patterns and Symmetries (Poster) |
Host: Rama Bansil |
Feb02 |
Greg Eyink
Johns Hopkins University
Spontaneous Stochasticity: "Classical Weirdness" in Turbulent Fluids (Poster) |
Host: William Klein |
Feb09 |
Lisa Randall
Harvard University
Expectations from the LHC (Poster) |
Host: So-Young Pi |
Feb23 |
Roman Jackiw
Fractional charge: the physics of zero-energy eigenmodes (Poster) |
Host: William Klein |
Mar02 |
Lee Roberts
Boston University
Searching for Physics Beyond the Standard Model Through Dipole Interactions (Poster) |
Mar23 |
Greg Huber
University of Connecticut
Modeling the hard geometry of soft membranes: From tethers to the endoplasmic reticulum (Poster) |
Host: William Klein |
Mar30 |
Ken Kelton
Washington University, St. Louis
Liquid Structure and Phase Transitions (Poster) |
Host: William Klein |
Apr06 |
Shou Cheng Zhang
Stanford University
Topological insulators and topological superconductors (Poster) |
Host: So-Young Pi |
Apr13 |
Dudley Herschbach
Harvard University
The Dean S. Edmonds, Sr. Memorial Lecture
Taming Wild Molecules (Poster) |