Aug08 |
Garry Goldstein
University of Cambridge
Pseudoparticle approach to strongly correlated systems |
Host: Claudio Rebbi |
Aug10 |
Marcus Muller
Paul Scherer Institute, Villigen Switzerland
The many body localization transition: A dynamical phase transition triggered by a quantum avalanche |
Host: Claudio Rebbi |
Aug11 |
Riccardo Zecchina
Out-of-equilibrium states and quantum annealing speed up in non-convex optimization and learning problems |
Aug16 |
Sho Sugiura
University of Tokyo
Entanglement entropy of finite-temperature pure quantum states and thermodynamic entropy as a Noether invariant |
Host: Anatoli Polkovnikov |
Sep13 |
Michiel Wouters
University of Antwerp
Correlations in driven-dissipative quantum systems |
Host: Anatoli Polkovnikov, Dries Sels |
Sep15 |
Stefanos Kourtis
Boston University, Physics Department
"Resonant x-ray spectroscopy of topological semimetals" |
Sep22 |
Christopher Baldwin
Boston University, Physics Department
"Interfering directed paths & the sign phase transition" |
Sep25 |
Cenke Xu
University of California - Santa Barbara
"Lieb-Schultz-Mattis Theorem and its generalizations from the Perspective of the Symmetry Protected Topological Phase" |
Host: Anders Sandvik |
Sep27 |
Zhicheng Yang
Boston University, Physics Department
"Iterative Compression-Decimation Scheme for Tensor Network Optimization" |
Oct04 |
Walter Hahn
Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, Moscow
"Stability of quantum statistical ensembles with respect to local measurements" |
Host: Anatoli Polkovnikov |
Oct06 |
Kartiek Agrawal
Princeton University
"Diabatic approach to creating ground states of certain critical models" |
Host: Anatoli Polkovnikov |
Oct13 |
Roman Mankowsky
Paul Scherrer Institute
"Coherent optical control and nonlinear probing of strongly correlated materials" |
Host: Wanzheng Hu |
Oct18 |
Louis Pecora
United States Naval Research Laboratory
"Cluster Synchronization of Chaotic Systems in Large Networks" |
Host: David Campbell |
Oct20 |
Tamiro Villazon
Boston University, Physics Department
"Kibble-Zurek Dynamics of a Driven Dissipative System: Universality Beyond the Markovian Regime" |
Oct24 |
Ivar Mar
Argonne National Lab
"Exciting dynamics in multiple time dimensions" |
Oct25 |
Hui Shao
Beijing Computational Science Research Center
"Nearly deconfined spinon excitations in the square-lattice spin-1/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnet" |
Host: Anders Sandvik |
Oct27 |
Kin Chung Fong
Raytheon BBN Technologies and Harvard University
"Putting hydrodynamic into solid state" |
Host: Scott Bunch |
Nov06 |
Masaki Oshikawa
University of Tokyo
"Polarization, Large Gauge Invariance, and Quantum Hall Effect on Lattice" |
Host: Anders Sandvik |
Nov08 |
Zhen Bi
Pappalardo Fellow, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
"Instabilities of the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev Model" |
Host: Zhicheng Yang |
Nov17 |
Carlos Bolech
University of Cincinnati
"A Bosonization Puzzle in Non-linear Transport" |
Dec01 |
Alexandre Day
Boston University, Department of Physics
"Learning and optimizing quantum control landscapes" |
Dec04 |
Ganpathy Murthy
University of Kentucky
"Quantum Hall Ferromagnetism in $\nu=0$ Bilayer Graphene" |
Host: Anushya Chandran |
Dec08 |
Jonathan Wurtz
Boston University, Department of Physics
"The Cluster Truncated Wigner Approximation in Strongly Interacting Quantum Systems" |
Dec15 |
Xi Dai
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
"Properties of Topological semimetals: Chiral magnetic effect and instability under magnetic field" |
Host: Wanzheng Hu |
Dec20 |
Mikhail Zvonarev
LPTMS, CNRS, Orsay, France
"Propagation of an impurity through a quantum medium" |
Jan29 |
Danny Podolsky
"Buckling transition and antiferromagnetic liquids in two dimensions" |
Host: Anushya Chandran |
Feb02 |
Pranay Patil
Boston University, Physics Department
"Quantum Annealing to Solve 3-Regular 3-XORSAT on a Lattice" |
Feb12 |
Sagar Vijay
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
"Operator Spreading and the Quantum Butterfly Effect in Random Unitary Circuits" |
Host: Philip Crowley |
Feb16 |
Zhicheng Yang
Boston University, Physics Department
Entanglement Spectrum in Quantum Many-Body Dynamics and Braiding of Non-Abelian Anyons |
Feb23 |
Dries Sels
Boston University, Physics Department
"Draining a superfluid hose" |
Feb26 |
Jay Sau
University of Maryland
"Physics of spin-orbit coupled wires in magnetic field: Majorana modes and Lifshitz transitions" |
Host: Anushya Chandran |
Mar02 |
Pierre E. Jacob
Harvard University
"Unbiased Markov chain Monte Carlo with couplings joint work with John O'Leary, Yves F. Atchadé" |
Mar19 |
Garry Goldstein
University of Cambridge
"Quantum dimer models for high temperature superconductors" |
Mar28 |
Mark Srednicki
"Aspects of ETH in various systems" |
Apr02 |
Eduardo Fradkin
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
"Chiral Phases in Frustrated 2D Antiferromagnets and Fractional Chern Insulators" |
Host: Christopher Laumann |
Apr09 |
Juan Felipe Carrasquilla
Vector Institute for Artificial Intelligence
"Towards learning quantum states with generative models" |
Host: Alexandre Day |
Apr20 |
Mark Mineev-Weinstein
"Laplacian Growth" |
Host: Anatoli Polkovnikov |
Apr23 |
Yi Li
Johns Hopkins University
"Monopole harmonic superconductivity" |
Host: Anushya Chandran |
Apr27 |
Ivan Schuller
University of California, Santa Barbara
CANCELLED: CM Friday Seminar TBA |
Host: Kevin Smith |
Apr30 |
Sergey Frolov
University of Pittsburgh
"Status of the Search for Majorana Fermions in Semiconductor Nanowires" |
Host: Alexander Sushkov |
May11 |
Federico Tonielli
University of Cologne, Germany
"Fate of Orthogonality Catastrophe in driven-open quantum systems" |
Host: Anatoli Polkovnikov |
Jul17 |
Theo M. Nieuwenhuizen
Institute for Theoretical Physics University of Amsterdam
Dynamics of quantum measurement and the measurement problem. |
Jul25 |
Adolfo Grushin
Institut Neel, CNRS and Universite Grenoble Alpes, F-38042 Grenoble, France
Large and quantized non-linear responses in chiral topological metals. |
Host: Claudio Chamon |