Correlations in driven-dissipative quantum systems
This event is part of the Condensed Matter Theory Seminar Series.
Recent advances in experimental platforms for photonic quantum simulators (microcavity polaritons and superconducting circuits) have spurred the interest in the theory of driven-dissipative quantum systems. The long time steady state of such systems is not given by a Boltzmann-Gibbs distribution, but has to be found by solving a Lindblad master equation.
In this talk, I will discuss two topics: for weakly interacting systems, the imprint of Landau-Beliaev scattering on the steady state distribution of a 1D photonic Hubbard model in the weakly interacting regime and the failure of the truncated Wigner approximation to capture this feature. For strongly interacting systems, I will present results obtained within the Gutzwiller approximation to the quantum trajectories of a dissipative XYZ model. We show that a ferromagnetic to paramagnetic phase transition, that is missing within a mean field treatment, is recovered within our approach.