Experimental Condensed Matter Physics

Rama Bansil, Keith Brown, Scott Bunch, Michael El-Batanouny, Wanzheng Hu, Maria Kamenetska, Karl Ludwig, Raj Mohanty, Kevin Smith, Alexander Sushkov, Anna Swan, Ophelia Tsui, M. Selim Ünlü, Alice White

Condensed matter experiments examine the structure and behavior of condensed states of matter where interactions between adjacent atoms, molecules, and electrons determine the physical nature of the material. Condensed matter physics occupies a unique niche in physics. Developments in this field are often of equal importance for technological applications and for improving our fundamental understanding of the nature of matter. One need only consider the revolution caused by the development of the transistor, and a similar one likely to follow from the discovery of high-temperature superconductors.

Boston University continues its rapid growth in condensed-matter physics with strong research efforts in photonics, scattering physics, surface physics, advanced materials physics, low-dimensional electronic systems, low-temperature physics, and structural biology and chemistry. Condensed matter experimentalists in the Physics Department are also playing major roles in the University's Photonics Research Center and Center for Nanoscience and Nanobiotechnology. In these efforts, as well as many others, condensed matter experimentalists work in close association with scientists in the College of Engineering.



  • Applications of Nanomechanical Devices: Wireless Communications and Sensors
  • Dynamics of Polymer Nanometer Films
  • Experimental Studies of Gels
  • Experimental Surface Physics
  • High Resolution 4Pi Microscopy
  • Microring Resonator Biosensors
  • Novel Materials Laboratory
  • Numerical Aperture Increasing Lens Microscopy (NAIL)
  • Quantum Computing: Quantum Control of Coherence of the Electron Wave Function
  • Quantum Nanomechanics: Quantum Motion to Testing the Limit of Quantum Mechanics
  • Quantum sensing using NV centers in diamond
  • Real-Time X-Ray Studies of Materials Processes
  • Resonant Cavity Imaging Biosensor (RCIB)
  • Spintronics: Control of Spins with Nanomechanical Torque