Sep22 |
Greg Boebinger
The Aesthetics of Constructing and Deconstructing Materials and Magnets (Poster) |
Sep29 |
Subir Sachdev
Strange Metals and Black Holes (Poster) |
Host: David Campbell |
Oct06 |
Alex Sushkov
Quantum physics in the laboratory: From magnetic imaging of single atoms to searching for dark matter (Poster) |
Host: David Campbell |
Oct20 |
Liam Fitzpatrick
Boston University
Effective Field Theory and the Emergence of New Dynamics |
Oct27 |
Ian Affleck
From String Theory to Quantum Dot Experiments |
Host: David Campbell |
Nov03 |
Gene Mele
University of Pennsylvania
The Winding Road to Topological Insulators |
Host: David Campbell |
Nov10 |
Tracy Slatyer
Dark Matter Signals or New High-Energy Astrophysics: How Can We Tell? |
Nov17 |
Predrag Cvitanović
Georgia Institute of Technology
Recurrent flows: The clockwork behind turbulence (Poster) |
Dec01 |
Francesco Sciortino
Universita' di Roma
Providing valence to colloids: equilibrium gels and ultrastable liquids |
Host: H. Eugene Stanley |
Dec08 |
Professor Peter Kruger
Nottingham University
Microchips for cold atoms: from quantum science to portable devices |
Jan26 |
Peter Graham
Precision measurement for dark matter and early universe cosmology (Poster) |
Host: Liam Fitzpatrick |
Feb02 |
Erica Carlson
Decoding Spatial Complexity in Strongly Correlated Electronic Systems (Poster) |
Host: David Campbell |
Feb09 |
Haiyan Gao
Duke University and Duke Kunshan University
Benson T. Chertok Memorial Lecture
The Proton Remains Puzzling (Poster) |
Host: Lee Roberts |
Feb23 |
Eugene Demler
Exploring big questions on small scales (Poster) |
Host: David Campbell |
Mar01 |
Noah Finkelstein
University of Colorado
Educational Transformation at a Critical Time: why us and why now -- the promises of disciplinary engagement (Poster) |
Host: Bennett Goldberg |
Mar22 |
Raissa D’Souza
UC Davis
Percolation, Cascades, and Control of Networks (Poster) |
Host: David Campbell |
Mar29 |
Christopher Jarzynski
University of Maryland, College Park
Irreversibility, information and the second law of thermodynamics at the nanoscale (Poster) |
Apr05 |
Adilson Motter
Optimization of Network Dynamics: Attributes and Artifacts (Poster) |
Host: David Campbell |
Apr12 |
Kenny Breuer
Brown University
Aeromechanics of Bat Flight: From Live Animals to Robotic Models (Poster) |
Host: Rama Bansil |
Apr14 |
Barry Barish
Black Holes, Gravitational Waves and LIGO (Poster) |
Apr19 |
Sean Hartnoll
Fundamental bounds in quantum transport, from black holes to bad metals (Poster) |
Host: Liam Fitzpatrick |
Apr26 |
Art McDonald
Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario
36th Edmonds Distinguished Lecture
A Deeper Understanding of our Universe from 2 km Underground (Poster) |
Apr28 |
Kati Freese
Uhlenbeck Professor, University of Michigan; Director Emerita, Nordita