Exploring big questions on small scales

Speaker: Eugene Demler, Harvard

When: February 23, 2016 (Tue), 03:30PM to 04:30PM (add to my calendar)
Location: SCI 109
Hosted by: David Campbell
View the poster for this event.

This event is part of the Physics Department Colloquia Series.

Abstract: Ultracold atoms provide a new platform for studying fundamental problems of quantum and statistical physics. Unique features of ultracold atoms include the ability to tune parameters dynamically over a broad range, excellent isolation from the environment, and the availability of the rich experimental toolbox of atomic physics. I will give examples of recent and ongoing studies done with ultracold atoms which address such questions as the existence of Higgs excitations in low dimensional systems, measurements of topological invariants, and the dynamics of polaron formation in Bose and Fermi systems.