Sep20 |
David Bishop
Boston University
Silicon Micromachines for Science and Technology (Poster) |
Host: Rama Bansil |
Oct04 |
Dr. Charles D. Ferguson
Federation of American Scientists, President
The Ethical Responsibility of Scientists (Poster) |
Host: Sidney Redner |
Oct11 |
Ole Peters
Imperial College
Non-ergodicity in Economics (Poster) |
Host: William Klein |
Oct25 |
Bala Sundaram
University of Massachusetts, Boston
Structural and Dynamical Aspects of Networks (Poster) |
Host: Shyamsunder Erramilli |
Nov01 |
Laura Greene
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Joint Colloquium with Materials Science Engineering
High-Temperature Superconductivity: Taming Serendipity (Poster) |
Host: David Bishop |
Nov15 |
David Bowman
California State University, Fullerton
Joint Colloquium with Earth Sciences
Accelerating Moment Release Before Large Earthquakes: Life and Death (and Rebirth?) of an Earthquake Prediction Scheme. (Poster) |
Host: William Klein |
Jan24 |
Robert Carey
Boston University
Final Results from MuLan: A High Energy Experiment with Low Energy Muons (Poster) |
Host: Rama Bansil |
Feb07 |
Arun Bansil
Northeastern University
Quantum Matter: Topological Insulators, Superconductors and Nano-dots (Poster) |
Host: Michael El-Batanouny |
Feb14 |
David Nelson
Harvard University
Gene Surfing and Survival of the Luckiest (Poster) |
Host: Rama Bansil |
Mar06 |
Subir Sachdev
Harvard University
Quantum entanglement and the phases of matter (Poster) |
Host: Anatoli Polkovnikov |
Mar20 |
Markus Greiner
Harvard University
Synthetic Quantum Matter under the Microscope (Poster) |
Host: Anatoli Polkovnikov |
Mar30 |
Douglass Osheroff, Nobel Laureate
Stanford University
The Benson T. Chertok Lecture; Joint Colloquia with MSE
Understanding the Columbia Shuttle Accident (Poster) |
Host: David Bishop |
Apr10 |
Gordon Semenoff
University of British Columbia, Canada
What a Particle Physicist Can Learn from Graphene (Poster) |
Host: So-Young Pi |
Apr24 |
Eric Cornell, Nobel Laureate
University of Colorado and JILA, Boulder
32nd Edmonds Distinguished Lecture
Searching for Exotic Physics in a Pin-Head Sized Storage Ring (Poster) |
Host: Lee Roberts, Lawrence Sulak |