HET Seminar
August 1st, 2019 to July 31st, 2020. Previous/next year.
Sep04 |
Edgar Shaghoulian
| Quantum gravity in a finite box | |
Sep18 |
Razieh E. Meibody
| Multi-Wavelength Observatories: New probes of GWs from the Center of Galaxies | |
Sep25 |
Lina Necib
Cal Tech
| Dark Matter in the Era of Gaia | |
Oct16 |
Matthew Walters
| QFT from CFT | |
Oct30 |
Raghu Mahajan
| Entanglement Islands and the Page Curve | |
Nov13 |
Valentina Prilepina
Laval University
| Does Conformal Imply Weyl Invariance in Quantum Field Theory? | |
Nov20 |
Rebecca Leane
| The Hunt for Dark Matter: Hints and New Searches | |
Dec04 |
Simon Catterall
Syracuse University
| Kaehler-Dirac fermions and random geometries | |
Dec11 |
Da Liu
University of California, Davis
| Composite Higgs Models at the LHC and beyond | |
Jan22 |
Tracy Slatyer
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
| The Dark Side of the Cosmic Dawn | |
Jan29 |
Casey E. Berger
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
| The Complex Langevin approach to the Sign Problem of Lattice Field Theory | |
Feb12 |
Shu-Heng Shao
| Exotic Symmetries and Fractons | |
Feb19 |
Sungwoo Hong
Cornell University
| Conformal Freeze-in | |
Feb26 |
Avital Dery
Cornell University
| $SU(3)_F$ Analysis for Beauty Baryon Decays | |
Mar06 |
Josh Ruderman
New York University
| "Dark Photon Oscillations in Our Inhomogeneous Universe" | |
Mar16 |
Nima Lashkari
Purdue University
| CANCELLED: Sewing states of QFT | |
Mar25 |
Dalimil Mazac
Stony Brook University
| CANCELLED: HET Seminar - Title TBA | |
Apr01 |
Ping Gao
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
| CANCELLED: A Traversable Wormhole Teleportation Protocol in the SYK Model | |
Apr08 |
Masha Baryakhtar
New York University
| CANCELLED: HET Seminar - Title TBA | |
Apr15 |
Sandipan Kundu
John Hopkins University
| CANCELLED: HET Seminar - Title TBA | |
Apr29 |
Katelin Shutz
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
| CANCELLED: HET Seminar - Title TBA | |
May06 |
Eliot Hijano
Princeton University
| CANCELLED: HET Seminar - Title TBA |