Biophysics/Condensed Matter
August 1st, 2012 to July 31st, 2013. Previous/next year.
Aug01 SCI 352
12:00pm |
Alexander Petersen
Institute for Advanced Study, Lucca, Italy
Pizza served at 11:45 AM
| Coevolution of Reputation and Impact across the Academic Career | Host: H. Eugene Stanley |
Sep07 SCI 352
12:00pm |
Jigang Wang
Iowa State University
Pizza served at 11:45 AM
| Ultrafast Broadband Electrodynamics of Carbon Nanostructures: From Inverted Dirac Fermions to Dark Excitons | Host: Richard Averitt |
Sep14 SCI 352
12:00pm |
Richard Haglund
Vanderbilt University
Pizza served at 11:45 AM
Dr. Bartlomiej Waclaw
University of Edinburgh
| Biological evolution of bacteria - a physicist's point of view | Host: Sidney Redner |
Sep21 SCI 352
11:00am |
Ray Goldstein
DAMTP, Cambridge University
Note Special Time at 11 AM
| Synchronization of Eukaryotic Flagella | Host: Shyamsunder Erramilli |
Sep28 SCI 352
12:00pm |
David Cooke
McGill University
Pizza served at 11:45 AM
| Ultrafast THz Spectroscopy and Photonics | Host: Richard Averitt |
Tatsuhiko Ikeda
University of Tokyo
10 AM SCI 352: Special Day/Time/Place
| Foundation of quantum statistical mechanics and eigenstate thermalization hypothesis | Host: Anatoli Polkovnikov |
Oct05 SCI 352
12:00pm |
Mark Stockman
Georgia State University
Pizza served at 11:45 AM
| Solids in Ultrafast and Strong Optical Fields: New Phenomena | Host: Richard Averitt |
Oct12 SCI 352
12:00pm |
Ken Burch
University of Toronto
Pizza served at 11:45 AM
| Scotch Tape and Spectroscopy: an excellent combination for Topological Insulators | Host: Richard Averitt |
Dr. Ariel Amir
Harvard University
2:00 PM
| Universally slow: Aging in glassy systems | |
Oct19 SCI 352
12:00pm |
Jak Chakhalian
University of Arkansas
Pizza served at 11:45 AM
| CANCELLED: None | Host: Richard Averitt |
Nadya Mason
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Note Special Time at 11 AM
| Proximity Effects and Metallic States in Mesoscopic Superconductor-Normal Metal-Superconductor Arrays | Host: David Campbell |
Oct24 SCI 328
12:00pm |
Dr. Devashish Sanyal
Gandhi Engineering College, Bhubaneswar,India
| Phase Transition between A and B forms of DNA | Host: Sidney Redner |
Oct26 SCI 352
11:00am |
Royce Zia
Virginia Tech
Note Special Time at 11AM
| Survival of the Weakest? Lessons from studies of four or more competing species | Host: Sidney Redner |
Gordon Baym
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
| CANCELLED: TBA | Host: David Campbell |
Nov02 SCI 352
12:00pm |
Mikhail Rabinovich
UC San Diego
Pizza served at 11:45 AM
Thierry Giamarchi
University of Geneva
| Mobile impurities in quantum systems | Host: Anatoli Polkovnikov |
Nov16 SCI 352
12:00pm |
Venkatraman Gopalan
Penn State University
Pizza served at 11:45 AM
| Nonlinear Optical Probing of Ferroelectrics and Multiferroics | Host: Richard Averitt |
Nov20 SCI 352
12:00pm |
Attilio L. Stella
Universita' di Padova, Italy
Pizza served at 11:45 AM; Note special day
Dr. Camille Aron
Rutgers University
| Strongly Correlated Electrons Driven by an Electric Field | Host: Claudio Chamon |
Dec07 SCI 352
12:00pm |
Janice Musfeldt
Department of Chemistry, University of Tennessee
| Optical properties of iron oxides: the new iron age | Host: Richard Averitt |
Dec12 SCI 352
10:45am |
Shinan Cao, Renmin University and Beijing Normal University
Alexander Petersen, Institute for Advanced Study, Lucca, Italy
Note Special Day/Time: Wednesday, Dec. 12 at 10:45 AM
| Applications of Physics Concepts to the Economic & Social Sciences | Host: H. Eugene Stanley |
Karin Dahmen
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
2:00 PM
| Avalanches, Disorder, and Universality in Condensed Matter | Host: David Campbell |
Jan14 SCI 352
12:15pm |
Huijuan Wang
University of Delft, Delft, The Netherlands
Special day, Monday; special time 12:15pm Pizza served at 12 noon
| Epidemics & Opinion Models on Interdependent Networks | Host: H. Eugene Stanley |
Jan15 SCI 352
12:15pm |
Susannah Moat
University College, London
Special day, Tuesday; special time 12:15pm Pizza served at noon
| "Can Online Data Anticipate Economic Behaviour"? | Host: H. Eugene Stanley |
Adrian Feiguin
Northeastern University
Note special time: 11 AM
| Toward a unified description of spin incoherent behavior at zero and finite temperatures | Host: Michael Kolodrubetz |
Jan25 SCI 352
12:00pm |
Verner Thorsmolle
Rutgers University
Pizza served at 11:45 AM
| Singlet condensation on an antiferromagnetic background in CaMn2Sb2 | Host: Richard Averitt |
Jan28 SCI 352
12:00pm |
David Hu
Georgia Tech University
Pizza served at 11:45 AM; Note special day
| Active control of friction by snakes | Host: Sidney Redner |
Dr. Igor Mazets
Vienna Center for Quantum Science and Technology, Atominstitut, TU Wien and Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences
2:00 PM
| Description of phase fluctuations in atomic quasicondensates via the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck stochastic process | Host: Anatoli Polkovnikov |
Feb11 SCI 352
12:00pm |
C-K Peng
Harvard Medical School
Pizza served at 11:45 AM Note: Special day
| A Physicist's Approach to Quantify Health and Disease | Host: H. Eugene Stanley |
Feb15 SCI 352
12:00pm |
James Bird
Boston University, Mechanical Engineering
Pizza served at 11:45 AM
| Bouncing drops and draining bubbles | Host: Rama Bansil |
Mar01 SCI 352
12:00pm |
Matt Foster
Rice University
Pizza served at 11:45 AM
| Quantum quench in p+ip superfluids: Non-equilibrium topological gapless state(s) | Host: Richard Averitt |
Mar04 SCI 352
12:00pm |
Nobuyasu Ito
University of Tokyo
Special day, Monday; Pizza served at 11:45 AM
| Thermal engine revisited | Host: H. Eugene Stanley |
Mar22 SCI 352
11:00am |
Paola Gallo
University of Rome III
Note special time: 11 AM; Pizza served at 10:45 AM
| The physics underlying cryoprotection | Host: H. Eugene Stanley |
Mar29 SCI 352
12:00pm |
Dr. Julien Tailleur
Université Paris Diderot
Pizza served at 11:45 AM
| Statistical Physics of Active Matter | Host: Sidney Redner |
Dr. Titus Neupert
Paul Scherrer Institut, Switzerland
Pizza served at 11:45 AM
| Topology and Quantum Geometry in Flat Electronic Bands | Host: Claudio Chamon |
Apr12 SCI 352
12:00pm |
Katharina Ribbeck
Pizza served at 11:45 AM
| Mucin biopolymers prevent biofilm formation by retaining bacteria in the free-swimming state | Host: Rama Bansil |
Apr12 SCI 352
3:00pm |
Kirill Korolev
Special Time 3:00 PM/ Changed to SCI352
| Ecology and evolution of cancer tumors and expanding populations | |
Moshe Goldstein
Yale University
2:00 PM
| Quantum Impurity Physics with Microwave Photons | Host: Claudio Chamon |
Apr19 SCI 352
12:00pm |
Robert A. Kaindl
Lawrence Berkeley National Lab.
Pizza served at 11:45 AM
| Ultrafast spectroscopy of electronic dynamics in complex materials | Host: Richard Averitt |
Apr26 SCI 328
12:00pm |
Bob Suter
Carnegie Mellon University
Pizza served at 11:45 AM; Note Room SCI328
| High Energy X-ray Diffraction Microscopy: Direct Observation of 3D Materials Responses | Host: William Klein |
May01 SCI 352
12:00pm |
Meir Plotnik
Sackler School of Medicine (TAU) ; Science Director Ctr. of Advanced Technologies in Rehabilitation, Sheba Medical Center Tel Aviv, Israel
Special day, Wednesday, May 1 Pizza served at 11:45 AM
| CANCELLED: TBA | Host: Plamen Ivanov |
Anushya Chandran
Princeton University
2:15 PM
| Equilibration and coarsening in the quantum O(N) model | Host: Michael Kolodrubetz |
May03 SCI 352
12:00pm |
Jak Chakhalian
University of Arkansas
Pizza served at 11:45 AM
| Whither the Correlated Oxide Interface | Host: Richard Averitt |
Onuttom Narayan
UC Santa Cruz
2:00 PM
| Energy transport in low dimensional systems | Host: Shyamsunder Erramilli |
Zi Yang Meng
Louisana State University
Note special day/time: Monday, May 13, 2013 11 AM
| Dynamical cluster quantum Monte Carlo studies on strongly correlate electron systems | Host: Thomas Lang |
Alioscia Hamma
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
| Topological Entropy after a Quantum Quench | Host: Claudio Chamon |
Peter Grishin
Vienna University of Technology and Boston University
Note special time 11 AM
| On the road to quantum turbulence: Relaxation and thermalization of a one-dimensional interacting quantum many-body system. | Host: Anatoli Polkovnikov |
Dr. Marco Schiro'
Princeton University
Note special time 11 AM
| Quantum Many Body Physics with Strongly Interacting Light-Matter Systems | Host: Luca D'Alessio |