Observing the Dimensionality of our Parent Vacuum

Speaker: Surjeet Rajendran, MIT

When: March 29, 2010 (Mon), 12:30PM to 01:30PM (add to my calendar)

This event is part of the HET Seminar Series.

It seems generic to have vacua with lower dimensionality than ours. We consider
the possibility that the observable universe originated in a transition from
one of these vacua. Such a universe has anisotropic spatial curvature. This may
be directly observable through its late-time effects on the CMB if the last
period of slow-roll inflation was not too long. These affect the entire sky,
leading to correlations which persist up to the highest CMB multipoles, thus
allowing a conclusive detection above cosmic variance. Further, this
anisotropic curvature causes different dimensions to expand at different rates.
This leads to other potentially observable signals including a quadrupolar
anisotropy in the CMB which limits the size of the curvature. Conversely, if
isotropic curvature is observed it may be evidence that our parent vacuum was
at least 3+1 dimensional. Such signals could reveal our history of
decompactification, providing evidence for the existence of vastly different