Course details: PY541
Undergraduate Prerequisites: (CASPY410) - Graduate Prerequisites: (CASPY410) - Probability theory. Ensembles. Steepest descent methods. Paramagnetism, ideal gas, Einstein model, adsorption isotherms. Thermodynamics, Maxwell relations, heat capacity. Bose and Fermi gases. Electrons in metals, white dwarf stars, black-body radiation, phonons, Bose-Einstein condensation. Interacting systems, virial expansion, Van der Waals gas. Phase transitions: mean-field theories, spin systems.
FALL 2024 Schedule
Section | Instructor | Location | Schedule | Notes |
A1 | Korolev | SCI B58 | TR 9:30 am-10:45 am |
FALL 2024 Schedule
Section | Instructor | Location | Schedule | Notes |
D1 | Korolev | SCI B58 | W 4:40 pm-5:30 pm |
Note that this information may change at any time. Please visit the MyBU Student Portal for the most up-to-date course information.