This event will initiate an annual ICAM spring school, on topics that rotate amongst the key frontier areas of research of interest to ICAM.
The scope of the first school is to provide a comprehensive overview of the multiple aspects of the emergent behavior in quantum matter. The workshop is planned to be self-contained and to allow young researchers at the PhD and Post-Doctoral levels to enlarge or strengthen their knowledge and understanding of this fascinating field. The participants will have the opportunity to meet, listen to, and discuss with experts on the topics addressed in the school.
The workshop can accommodate about 120 people in total. The format of the workshop will be very didactic and will have the following components.
Experimental lecturers will present two extended talks each.
Theory lecturers will present three talks each.
Specialized talks about current research will be given by three Brazilian scientists.
One or more poster sessions will also be held, so that everyone has the opportunity to present and discuss their own work.