Category Archives: Events

All BU CERN events should go here by default plus other categories eventually.

Technically this category is used as default event category for the event calender plugin.

Physics class schedule

Here is what I can gather about our UniGe schedule. The E/M was sent out by Prof Pohl. The QM I got from the agenda book which I assume is right. I also assume that the Tuesday class is the lecture. My guess is that there will be an English discussion for QM also (hopefully).

M: 10-12noon E/M lecture (main auditorium in Ecole de physique)
2-3pm E/M discussion in English (DPNC Library Room 211 in Ecole de physique )
T: 10-12noon QM
W: 4-6pm QM
T: 10-12noon QM
F: 2-4pm E/M discussion (lecture hall A50B in Science I)

I’ll update it as we get more info. Classes start Feb 22nd.

Talk on Dark Matter…

Hey all!

So I mention this to a few of you already, but Hidefumi Tomita is giving a talk during a Photon meeting tomorrow. The title of his talk is “Detector Development for Direction-Sensitive Dark Matter Research”. Some of you expressed interest on seeing this and I am currently working with Jess and Ryan about setting up a webchat/Skype so we can listen to the talk too. Photon starts at 5pm (so 11pm here). I know you all probably have better things to do with your Friday evenings but if anyone is interested, come down to our room (Elim, Chelsea and I are in #33) maybe a few minutes to 11pm.

They plan for the talk to be 30 mins so it will definitely be over by midnight.

We will also get to say hi to our Boston friends! Let me know if you are interested in coming! (I will buy some sort of snack for us all if I am feeling generous at the time?)
