Hey guys,
Has anyone found a list of all the triggers and their bit numbers? Elim, Arno said you might know…
Hey guys,
Has anyone found a list of all the triggers and their bit numbers? Elim, Arno said you might know…
This post is mostly directed to Michael and Elim but here are some useful links I’ve found:
For understanding python syntax: https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/viewauth/CMS/SWGuideAboutPythonConfigFile
For CMSSW cross-reference: http://cmslxr.fnal.gov/lxr/
Tutorials: https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/CMS/WorkBook
Let me know if you find any other good sites,
Hi, when I run the ISpy Analyzer all I get is a list of data (Event, Run, Lumisection, etc), but it does not open ISpy so that I can see this. Does anyone know how to look at the resulting file in ISpy? Thanks.
Arno says that we need to register for TWiki. Here is the link.
It says Access Denied. So, link for ‘register’. And that is to register for an account in TWiki. Then, we need to wait for Prof. James Rohlf to let us join the egroup ‘cms-web-access’.
Hope that helps.
Elim =D
I tried to click on the “CMSSW” in the TWiki web, and I am denied to go to that page because I am not a member of the e-group “CMS-web-Access”. So, I emailed the TWiki person, Peter Jones, and this is the reply:
{You need to be in the egroup ‘cms-web-access’ in order to see CMS pages.
Check with your CMS coordinator
Peter Jones}
So, I am thinking if we need Arno’s permition to join the e-group…
Thanks, Elim =D
Does anyone else get this message when they try to open ispy?
[lxplus203] ~ > chmod +x ispy
[lxplus203] ~ > ./ispy
Reading default views.
Fontconfig warning: no elements found. Check configuration.
Fontconfig warning: adding /usr/share/fonts/fonts.cache-1
Fontconfig warning: adding ~/.fontconfig
ispy: Fatal IO error: client killed
I also tried doing the wget thing beforehand but that didn’t work either.
Ok, it seems the reason for the last error was because cygwin was not running. Problem is solved but now iguana/ispy freezes when opened.