Project Help

Did everyone find this helpful site?:

Also, does anyone know to what we are applying the triggers, exactly? If you use the command Mike told Elim earlier
It does not work. I set the branch address for "invariant mass" but the error message is:
"unknown branch. Can't call TH1F::Draw"
Suggestions, anyone?

Physics GRE Review

So, maybe it’s a little early to start thinking about the physics GRE, but maybe not. I realize we haven’t started out work yet so we don’t know our schedules, but maybe it’s possible to do about an hour a week of GRE prep?

We could also use this time to go over stuff from out ED and QM lectures that we may not have understood.
I have a list of major concepts that we need to know for the physics GRE and a site with practice problems. Let me know if anyone else is interested in meeting. I was thinking of starting Friday maybe at 11 or 12 before our physics work and CERN work picks up.

Anybody interested?


(Also, on an unrelated topic, Benedikt Hegner said that he was gonna cancel class tomorrow because he is not feeling well and we can reschedule for some other time.)

something wrong…?

Hi everyone,,

So, I am trying to do the trigger part. And the way I did is to select the useful elements in the leaves needed (e.g. from the leaf mu_py, I want a list of elements that satisfies the trigger threshold (?)) And the num_entries drop from 30839 to 2988… Attached is the 3 plots, the top one in the right is the raw mu_py, the top left one is selected mu_py…The bottom one is the fitted hinvm (hist of inv mass)…I don’t know if it makes sense… the top right one is kinda suspicious, especially everything is in one bin..(but maybe it was my code.) And I don’t think the bottom one is right either… I would expect a guassian curve (bec we are asked to fit with gaus and it would make sense to be a gaussian with a mean value of particle’s mass…) but i can’t tell where is wrong…

Elim =D