Program Completion

The Physics Department had 121 majors this academic year, with 77 concentrating in Physics, 42 in Astronomy and Physics, and 2 in Philosophy and Physics. There were 12 students minoring in Physics.  We graduated 17 majors; 10 earned degrees in Physics and 7 in Astronomy and Physics.

Bachelor’s recipients from the Physics Department have been successful in being accepted to the most prestigious graduate programs in the United States. They have also been successful in entering into a diverse range of disciplines, reflecting the broad value of an undergraduate degree in Physics.

Below are some of the plans of this year’s graduating students:

Class of 2010

Deborah Avery plans to stay in the Boston area to work.

Michi Baubock will attend the University of Arizona for a PhD in astrophysics.

Alexander Boyd will attend graduate school at the University of New Hampshire.

Zenas Chan will take a year off to travel and work.

Ian Cohen will pursue a PhD in physics at the University of New Hampshire.

Ryan Eriksen will attend the PhD program for Material Science at Boston University.

Andrew Fraine will attend the PhD program at Boston University’s Department of Electrical Engineering.

Katherine Goodrich will be a research assistant at the Los Alamos National Laboratory.

Sadia Hoq will attend graduate school at Boston University’s Astronomy Department.

Jessica Leach plans to attend graduate school for a Masters in Teaching.

Kristofor-Ryan Maynard will attend graduate school at the University of New Hampshire.

Nicholas Slowey will participate in the City Year Program.

Claire Thomas will go to France in the summer of 2010 to work on the Double Chooz. She will attend Berkeley in the fall as a Department of Energy Fellow.

Continue reading: Looking Forward