Graduate Program

Our department offers multiple programs leading to degrees of Master of Arts and Doctor of Philosophy in Physics. In addition to the resources available through the Physics Department, students have access to research opportunities through many affiliated centers and departments, including the Center for Nanoscience and Nanobiotechnology and the Departments of Biomedical and Materials Science Engineering.

This year we received 304 applications to the Physics PhD program. Of the 69 applicants we admitted, 21 accepted our admissions offer.

We had 108 registered graduate students this academic year, supported by 30 teaching fellowships, 63 research grants, and 15 external fellowships. The program awarded 4 MAs and 13 PhDs.

The graduate students also maintain several internal organizations, including a physics graduate student committee that meets regularly with the chair and organizes events, an ad hoc graduate student teaching group that meets to discuss physics teaching, pedagogy and novel active learning, and a women in physics graduate student group that organizes and hosts events for female physicists.

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