The ATLAS Experiment at CERN
Steve Ahlen, Nafiun Awal, Clare Bernard, Kevin Black, John Butler, Lidia Dell'Asta, Kevin Finelli, Robert Harrington, Louis Helary, Michael Kruskal, Brian Alex Long, Jeremy Love, Karishma Sekhon, James Shank, Alex Sherman, Zhen Yan, Efe Yigitbasi, Saul Youssef

The ATLAS experiment is a large detector system developed by a collaboration of physicists from around the world to study very-high-energy proton-proton interactions at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN, a laboratory for high energy physics near Geneva, Switzerland. Boston University personnel were involved in the construction and installation of the muon detectors for ATLAS. The detectors occupy a region the size of a five-story building and measure the trajectories of muons in a magnetic field with a precision of better than 1/10 of a millimeter. This permits precise determination of the muon momentum which is an important ingredient in searches for new phenomena at the TeV energy scale. Boston University has also played a leading role in the development of computing and analysis tools.