Vijaya Kolachalama

Vijaya Kolachalama

Affiliate Faculty (Assistant Professor - Computational Biomedicine BUSM, Computer Science)
Office: BUSM, Room Evans 636. 617-358-7253


Research Interests:

From The Kolachalama laboratory is broadly focused on developing advanced machine learning algorithms to tackle complex biomedical datasets, with particular emphasis on medical imaging.

Phenotyping neurodegeneration using machine learning: We build machine learning frameworks to process multimodal data and identify specific signatures of neurodegeneration. We have experience in dealing with large data cohorts such as the Framingham Heart Study and established several computational pipelines to efficiently process volumetric images of the brain, neuropathology and other modes of data and use them for further analysis.

Digital pathology: We develop computational frameworks based on deep learning to assist the pathologist. Our current application areas include kidney disease, lung cancer and colorectal cancer.

Machine learning for musculoskeletal diseases: We develop machine learning frameworks to bring efficiency to the analysis of large-scale studies such as Osteoarthritis Initiative (OAI) and Multicenter osteoarthritis (MOST) study. We are particularly interested to quantify structures that are responsible for pain and factors that contribute to the progression of knee osteoarthritis.


BS, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India PhD, University of Southampton, UK


Section of Computational Biomedicine, Boston University School of Medicine

Department of Computer Science and Faculty of Computing & Data Sciences, Boston University


2021 Karen Toffler Charitable Trust: Toffler Scholar in Neuroscience

2020 Faculty of Computing & Data Sciences, Boston University: Founding Member

2019 Institute for Health System Innovation & Policy, Boston University: Institute Fellow 2019 American Heart Association: Fellow

2018 Hariri Institute for Computing and Computational Science & Engineering, Boston University: Junior Faculty Fellow

2008 United States Food and Drug Administration: ORISE Fellowship

2005 Massachusetts Institute of Technology: Young Researcher Fellowship