Theodore Moustakas

Theodore Moustakas

Affiliate Faculty (Professor Emeritus, Distinguished Professor of Photonics and Optoelectron - ENG/ECE)
Office: PHO, Room 835. 617-353-5431
Lab: PHO, Room 835. 617-353-5431
Secretary: ENG 617-353-2811


Research Interests:

Wide Bandgap Semiconductor Laboratory

My research looks into growth by MBE, MOCVD, HVPE and Gas-cluster Ion beam deposition (GCIB). My lab, the Wide Bandgap Semiconductor Laboratory, has had an esteemed history of innovation. It originally focused on the growth of III-nitrides and the study of its fundamental properties. Many significant discoveries have been made about the basic properties and growth control of III-nitrides. Since its conception, the lab has expanded to include an Eiko MBE, two custom-built hydride vapor phase epitaxy systems (one horizontal and one vertical), a sputter deposition system, an electron beam evaporator, and an inductively coupled plasma reactive ion etching (ICP-RIE) system. More recently, the lab's focus has shifted to the development of III-nitride optoelectronic devices, particularly LEDs and lasers.


  • Ph.D. in Solid State Science and Engineering, Columbia University
  • M.Phil. in Solid State Science and Engineering, Columbia University
  • B.S. in Physics, Aristotle University, Thessaloniki, Greece


  • Honorary Doctoral Degree (Aristotle University, 2003)
  • Member - Advisory Board, North American MBE
  • Governing Body, Dielectric Science and Technology Division of the Electrochemical Society
  • 1997/98 ECE Faculty Award for Excellence in Teaching
  • Fellow, American Physical Society
  • Fellow, Electrochemical Society
  • BU ECE Faculty Award for Excellence in Teaching, 1997-'98

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