Office Hours: TBD, SCI 317, and by appointment
Research Interests:
Quantum Computation and Many-Body Theory
I am a a quantum condensed matter theorist with a particular interest in topics arising at the intersection of quantum computation and many-body theory. My research interests include strongly correlated quantum phases, topological order, spin glasses, many-body localization, quantum optical platforms for simulation and computation, quantum satisfiability and typical-case complexity. Most recently, I have been primarily focused on exploring interacting localization effects in dynamical systems and on characterizing generic constraint satisfaction problems
Selected Publications:
“Clustering of non-ergodic eigenstates in quantum spin glasses”. C. L. Baldwin, C. R. Laumann, A. Pal, A. Scardicchio. Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 127207 (2017).
“Continuous preparation of a fractional Chern insulator”. M. Barkeshli, N. Y. Yao, C. R. Laumann. Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 026802 (2015).
“Many-body mobility edge in a mean-field quantum spin glass”. C. R. Laumann, A. Pal, A. Scardicchio. Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 200405 (2014).
“Many-body localization and symmetry protected topological order”. A. Chandran, V. Khemani, C. R. Laumann, S. L. Sondhi. Phys. Rev. B 89, 144201 (2014).
“Phase transitions and random quantum satisfiability”. C. R. Laumann, R. Moessner, A. Scardicchio and S.L. Sondhi. Quant. Inf. and Comp. 10 (1), (2010).
For a full list of publications, please see the attached CV
- Ph.D. in Physics, Princeton University
- CASM in Mathematics with distinction, Cambridge University
- M.Sc. in Informatics with distinction, University of Edinburgh
- Sloan Research Fellow