Alexander Sergienko
Research Interests:
Quantum Research
My current research focuses on everything quantum. This includes things such ranging from quantum physics to quantum engineering to quantum technology. More specifically, we focus on research around quantum information, quantum communication and cryptography, quantum networking, and linear-optical quantum computing. In addition, we look at quantum information manipulation in high-dimensional Hilbert spaces by coding, manipulating, and detecting large information clusters using group theory and topological structures. Furthermore, we look at quantum information processing, using simple quantum circuits to simulate behavior of more complicated physical systems. We also look at ultra-precise optical measurement in science and technology (Quantum Metrology), characterization of biological, organic, polymer, and semiconductor structures.
Selected Publications:
"Quantum Metrology, Imaging, and Communication", David S. Simon, Gregg Jaeger, and Alexander V. Sergienko, Springer, New York, ISBN: 978-3-319-46549-4 (2017).
''Quantum Simulation of Discrete-Time Hamiltonians Using Directionally-Unbiased Linear Optical Multiports,'', D. S. Simon, C. A. Fitzpatrick, S. Osawa and Alexander V. Sergienko, Physical Review A v. 95, 042109 (2017).
''Spectrally Engineered Broadband Photon Source For Two-Photon Quantum Interferometry'', Abu Thomas, Mackenzie Van Camp, Olga Minaeva, David Simon, and Alexander V. Sergienko, Optics Express, v. 24, pp. 24947- 24958 (2016).
''High Capacity Quantum Key Distribution via Hyperentangled Degrees of Freedom'', David S. Simon and Alexander V. Sergienko, New Journal of Physics, v.16, 063052 (2014).
''Entangled-Coherent-State Quantum Key Distribution with Entanglement Witnessing'', David S. Simon, Gregg Jaeger, and Alexander V. Sergienko, Physical Review A, v. 89, 012315 (2014).
For a full list of publications, please see the attached CVEducation:
- Ph.D. in Physics, Moscow State University
- M.S. in Physics, Moscow State University
- BU College of Engineering Award for Excellence in Teaching, 2001
- Fellow, Optical Society of America
- NSF CAREER Award, 1999