Andrew Duffy

Andrew Duffy

Lecturer (Master Lecturer)
Office: PRB, Room 353. 617-353-9089

Office Hours: Mondays, 12 PM - 1 PM; Wednesdays, 11 AM - 12 PM; Fridays, 3 PM - 4 PM. In SCI 121.


Research Interests:

Immersion in Science and Physics Teaching

Since 2004, I have been collaborating with Peter Garik of the School of Education and Arthur Eisenkraft of UMass-Boston on Project ITOP (Improving the Teaching of Physics). This is a state-funded project aimed at improving the content knowledge, and the pedagogical content knowledge, of local high school physics teachers. We offer a two year program consisting of ten graduate-level two-credit courses, starting with introductory physics and proceeding all the way through to quantum physics, special relativity, and computer modeling. Since 2007, I have also been working on the Immersion in Science project, which involves elementary and middle-school teachers coming to Boston University for an immersive experience in science during the summer. The aim is for the teachers to become more familiar with science content, as well as to make them feel more comfortable doing science in their own classrooms.

Selected Publications:

Duffy, A.G., Essential Physics Workbook, volume 2, CreateSpace, 2017

Duffy, A.G., Essential Physics Workbook, volume 1, CreateSpace, 2016

“Project Accelerate –Blended Partnerships for STEM Success,” B. B. Goldberg, A. G. Duffy, and M. D. Greenman, Proceedings of the 7th2016 LINC Conference 2016, Digital Inclusion: Transforming Education Through Technology, pp. 103 –110, Cambridge, USA. 2016

“Teaching the Conceptual History of Physics to Physics Teachers,” Garik, P., Garbayo, L., Benetreau-Dupin, Y., Winrich, C., Duffy, A., Gross, N., and Jariwala, M., 2015, Science and Education 24 (4), 387 –404.

“Three Years of PhysTEC at Boston University,” Duffy, A., Garik P., Goldberg, B., Greenman, M, and Jariwala, M., APS Forum on Education Newsletter, Spring 2014

For a full list of publications, please see the attached CV.


  • Ph.D in Physics, Queen’s University
  • M.Sc. in Physics, Queen’s University
  • B.Sc. with Honors in Physics, Mt. Allison University


  • Co-winner of the Gerald and Deanne Gitner Family Innovation in Teaching with Technology Award (2014)
  • 2012 Metcalf Cup and Prize for Excellence in Teaching, Boston University
  • 2005 Outstanding Teaching Award from the College of Arts and Sciences Honors Program at Boston University
  • 2004 Boston University Neu Family Award for Excellence in Teaching

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