September 13, 2007
I would like to bring to your attention a funding program available through the National Science Foundation (NSF) called the East Asia and Pacific Summer Institutes (EAPSI). The EAPSI program offers U.S. graduate students in science and engineering a unique opportunity to study abroad with foreign researchers (in Australia, China, Japan, Korea, New Zealand, Singapore, or Taiwan) for 8 weeks during the summer. In 2008, the EAPSI awards will include a stipend of $5,000, an allowance for international travel, and support to attend a pre-departure orientation in Washington DC. Foreign co-sponsoring organizations will provide additional support to cover EAPSI students’ living expenses abroad.
I have initiated the outreach phase for our 2008 summer program. Attached to this e-mail is a copy of our 2008 EAPSI flyer. The link to the EAPSI website is http://www.nsf.gov/eapsi. Please distribute this information to graduate students who may have an interest in the program. If you would like to receive hard copies of the EAPSI flyer or the EAPSI poster for your program or institution, please provide me your mailing address and I will ensure that copies are mailed to you.
Feel free to contact me directly if you have any questions about the EAPSI program. I hope very much to see applications from graduate students at your institution.
Thank you in advance for your assistance.
Andrew S. Backe, Ph.D.
Program Specialist for East Asia and Pacific
Office of International Science and Engineering
National Science Foundation