BU Physics alum leads Microsoft quantum computing team

April 22, 2016

Professor Michael Manfra (back) with graduate student Geoff Gardner in front of their molecular beam epitaxy system.
Professor Michael Manfra (back) with graduate student Geoff Gardner in front of their molecular beam epitaxy system.

Michael Manfra (PhD ‘99) has been chosen to lead Station Q Purdue, an experimental research team collaborating with Microsoft Station Q to pursue a path to quantum computing. Manfra and his team will use molecular beam epitaxy to create new platforms for topological qubits, a more robust type of quantum bit that stores information across correlated electrons. Manfra's team has received multimillion-dollar funding for this fundamental research. More information is available at Purdue’s website. Manfra is the Bill and Dee O'Brien Professor of Physics and Astronomy at Purdue University.