Goldhaber Prize and TF of the Year
March 23, 2007
Around this time every year, the Physics family come together to recognize excellence among our graduate students. This note is to announce the winner of this year’s Goldhaber Prize, awarded annually to a second year student, for academic excellence during the first year in our department.
It is a great pleasure to name Armin Rahmanisisan as the Winner of the Goldhaber Prize this year. Armin is currently doing research in Condensed Matter theory with Prof Claudio Chamon. The award is for excellence in coursework and in research. Armin will be recognized at the annual Dean Edmonds’ lecture, scheduled for April 10, 2007.
It is also a great pleasure to announce that Kipton Barros has been chosen to receive the Chairman’s Book Prize for displaying academic excellence in coursework and research. Kip is doing research with Professor William Klein in Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics theory, and has been a Dean’s Fellow and is currently on an ACES Fellowship.
Please join me in congratulating these two students who have done all of us proud.
Every year at the Dean Edmonds lecture, scheduled this year for April 10, we acknowledge excellence in teaching by a graduate student. This year, we are very pleased to recognize two outstanding Teaching Fellows who will jointly receive the “TF of the Year” award.
- Mark Betnel is named as this year’s TF of the year for excellence in teaching physics. Mark is currently doing research with Professor Gregg Jaeger. Mark is also being recommended to the Dean for further recognition by the Graduate School.
- Kaca Bradonjic is named as a joint winner of this year’s TF of the year award for excellence in teaching Physics. Kaca is interested in doing research in theoretical physics.
- Rachele (Elizabeth) Dominguez had been selected for the Chairman’s Book Prize for excellence in teaching. Rachele is currently doing research with Professor William Klein.
- Ronald Babich has been selected for the Chairman’s Book Prize for excellence in teaching. Ron is currently doing research with Professor Claudio Rebbi.
Please join me in congratulating these four students who have demonstrated extraordinary commitment to teaching.