Cory Fantasia wins USLUO prize

November 06, 2012

Graduate student Cory Fantasia has been selected as one of the winners of a competition organized by the US LHC Users Organization (USLUO). 15 postdocs and students were selected by the LHC experiments to present plenary talks at the annual USLUO meeting held at Fermilab on Oct 18-20, 2012. These talks were entered into a competition for 6 prizes. Cory Fantasia's talk on "Search for exotic WZ resonances with the CMS detector" won one of these prizes and Cory has been selected to join the USLUO Executive Committee on visits to Washington, DC in Spring 2013, to discuss particle physics with congressional and executive offices. Cory is jointly advised by Profs. Tulika Bose and Kenneth Lane and is currently based at the CMS experiment at CERN.
