Hunting De Sitter Holography from the Bottom Up

Note: Event at 2 PM
Speaker: Matthew Baumgart, Carnegie Mellon University

When: September 28, 2012 (Fri), 02:00PM to 03:00PM (add to my calendar)
Location: PRB 595

This event is part of the HET Seminar Series.

Abstract: The holographic RG of Anti-De Sitter gives a powerful clue about the underlying AdS/CFT correspondence.
The question is whether similar hints can be found for the heretofore elusive holographic dual of De Sitter.
The framework of stochastic inflation uses a nonperturbative insight in order to tame bad behavior in the
perturbation series at late times.  Recasting this as a "resummation of time", we wish understand whether
the distributions that result can be thought of as an attractive UV fixed point of a theory living on a spacelike
slice of DS.   I will discuss our rederivation of stochastic inflation in terms of wavefunctionals, the straightforward
way one can implement corrections to the leading approximations, and the robustness of the late-time equilibrium
to perturbations.