The inverted kagome lattice: frustrated bosons without superexchange

Speaker: Sebastian Huber, Weizmann Institute

When: March 26, 2010 (Fri), 10:00AM to 11:00AM (add to my calendar)

This event is part of the Condensed Matter Theory Seminar Series.

The route to quantum magnetism in ultracold atom systems is obstructed
by the difficulties of reaching low enough temperatures of the order
of the superexchange coupling J. The prospect of simulating the square
lattice antiferromagnet, and its expected descendant, the d-wave
superconductor arouse a lot of current interest. Here we want to show
how a frustrated “quantum magnet” can be obtained with bosons in an
inverted kagome lattice without the need for temperatures that are
much smaller than the hopping t. We discuss a possible experimental
setup and the rich zoo of phases which can be expected in this system:
ranging from glassy arrangements of localized states over a coexisting
density-wave—superfluid phase to the exp(3 i phi) condensate.