The Top Triangle Moose: Combining Higgsless and Topcolor Mechanisms for Mass Generation

Speaker: Elizabeth Simmons, Michigan State University

When: February 22, 2010 (Mon), 12:30PM to 01:30PM (add to my calendar)

This event is part of the HET Seminar Series.

ABSTRACT: We introduce a deconstructed model that incorporates both Higgsless and top-color mechanisms. The model alleviates the tension between obtaining the correct top quark mass and keeping Delta rho small that exists in many Higgsless models. It does so by singling out the top quark mass generation as arising from a Yukawa coupling to an effective top-Higgs which develops a small vacuum expectation value, while electroweak symmetry breaking results largely from a Higgsless mechanism. As a result, the heavy partners of the standard model fermions can be light enough to be seen at the LHC. After presenting the model, we detail the phenomenology, showing that for a broad range of masses, these heavy fermions are discoverable at the LHC.