1D Bose gas as the non-relativistic limit of the sinh-Gordon model

Note: 12 Noon
Speaker: Marton Kormos, SISSA, Italy

When: January 7, 2010 (Thu), 12:00PM to 01:00PM (add to my calendar)

This event is part of the Condensed Matter Theory Seminar Series.

Due to recent experimental achievements with trapped ultracold atoms, the properties of the 1D non-relativistic Bose gas are of great interest. In many experimental setups the behavior of the particles is very well described by the Lieb-Liniger model which in many aspects can be regarded as a theoretical benchmark in the research of integrable models. In spite of its integrability, calculating correlation functions in the model is notoriously difficult. In the talk I will propose a novel approach to compute expectation values and other physical quantities in the Lieb-Liniger model. The method is based on the fact that in the repulsive case the S-matrix, the Lagrangian and the operators can be obtained from a certain non-relativistic limit of the sinh-Gordon model. This observation allows us to compute expectation values in the Lieb-Liniger system both at zero and finite temperature.