Searching for New Particles at the LHC

Speaker: Sarah Eno, University of Maryland

When: February 10, 2009 (Tue), 03:30PM to 04:30PM (add to my calendar)
Hosted by: Tulika Bose
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This event is part of the Physics Department Colloquia Series.

Abstract: On Sept 10, 2008, the Large Hadron Collider, located in Geneva, Switzerland, circulated beams for the first time. The first collisions, expected in 2009, will open the first new laboratory-based energy frontier since the commissioning of the Tevatron in 1985. Precision low-energy measurements, cosmological data, and theoretical considerations all suggest that the “Terascale” energies it will probe should contain new physics beyond the standard model. In this talk I will discuss popular theoretical models, their expected signatures, and the prospects for a discovery. I will also discuss the status of the LHC accelerator and its detectors.