Dark Photons, True Muonium, and the Quest for Longevity
Speaker: Phil Ilten, U. of Cincinnati
When: March 25, 2021 (Thu), 03:30PM to 04:30PM (add to my calendar)
Hosted by: David Sperka
This event is part of the HEE Seminar Series.
The nature of dark matter remains an open question in physics. With no dark matter signals found at the LHC (yet), interest has been renewed in treating dark matter as a hidden sector with a weak connection to the standard model. Here I will explore searching for dimuon signals from hidden sectors using the LHCb detector. I will demonstrate how these results can be interpreted in a number of models and how these search techniques can be used to discover true muonium. Finally, I will introduce the CODEX-b proposal, a natural experimental step in the search for long-lived particles.