Quantum Sensing for Ultra-light Dark Matter
This event is part of the HEE Seminar Series.
The quest for Dark Matter is ever-pressing for fundamental physics. The lack of direct evidence for GeV scale dark matter via collider and dark matter direct detection experiments generates new interests in searches for ultra-light or ultra-heavy dark matter, which requires new technological considerations. Quantum sensing, with its steady progress and impressive sensitivity, opens a new and promising venue in probing the ultra-light dark matter. In this talk, I will give an introduction to the quest for dark matter, and the properties of ultra-light dark matter. Afterward, I will discuss several new proposals in using quantum sensing to probe ultra-light dark matter and discuss future directions. Zoom: https://bostonu.zoom.us/j/94721591906?pwd=MFlIVDZjSkpNQlN4c0lIbnd5MFF2Zz09