Non-Markovian dephasing of disordered, quasi-one-dimensional fermion systems
This event is part of the Biophysics/Condensed Matter Seminar Series.
As a potential window on transitions out of the ergodic, many-body-delocalized phase, we study the dephasing of weakly disordered, quasi-one-dimensional fermion systems due to a diffusive, non-Markovian noise bath. This bath is generated by inelastic scattering due to short-ranged interactions. We calculate the dephasing of weak localization perturbatively through second order in the bath coupling. However, we find that instabilities in the calculation signal a failure of the self-consistent Born approximation. We also consider a many-channel quantum wire where short-ranged, spin-exchange interactions coexist with screened Coulomb interactions. We calculate the dephasing rate, treating the short-ranged interactions perturbatively and the Coulomb interaction exactly. The latter provides a physical infrared regularization that stabilizes perturbation theory at long times, giving the first controlled calculation of quasi-1D dephasing due to diffusive noise. Our results are relevant to the search for precursors to the MBL transition that can be understood in the high-T ergodic phase. As a bonus, the calculation also provides a mechanism for the enhancement of dephasing at low temperatures in spin SU(2)-symmetric quantum wires, beyond the Altshuler-Aronov-Khmelnitsky result. The enhancement is possible due to the amplification of the triplet-channel interaction strength, and provides an additional mechanism that could contribute to the experimentally observed low-temperature saturation of the dephasing time.
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