Evidence for Higgs boson decay to a pair of muons
This event is part of the HEE Seminar Series.
The seminar presents the search and the first evidence for the Higgs boson decay to a pair of muons performed by the CMS Collaboration. The analysis is based on the full datasets collected at 13 TeV during Run 2 of the LHC, corresponding to 137 fb-1. The characteristics of the four main Higgs boson production modes, gluon fusion, vector-boson fusion, and associated production with a W or Z vector boson or with a top-quark pair, are exploited to increase the sensitivity of the search. An excess over the expected SM background is observed in data with a significance of 3.0 standard deviations, consistent with the presence of the Higgs boson decay to muons.
Zoom Link: https://bostonu.zoom.us/j/94721591906?pwd=MFlIVDZjSkpNQlN4c0lIbnd5MFF2Zz09 Meeting ID: 947 2159 1906 Passcode: 874811