This event is part of the PhD Final Oral Exams.
A major challenge in the field of condensed matter physics is to harness the quantum mechanical properties of microscopic systems coupled to large environments. Thermal fluctuations destroy quantum information and pose a difficult problem for the development of quantum technologies such as quantum computers and memory devices. Recent advances in quantum control enable the manipulation of complex quantum states, providing new paths to preserve quantum information and to employ the environment as a resource. In this dissertation, we develop practical quantum control protocols which quickly and efficiently transfer energy to/from an environment. A major contribution of this work is the design of powerful and efficient quantum engines and refrigerators, which use the environment either to generate useful work or to freeze a system to it’s ground state. Such microscopic thermal machines yield an advantage over their macroscopic counterparts since they harness atomic physics to achieve enhanced efficiency and power. In achieving its core objectives, this work has also expanded on several areas of condensed matter quantum physics, including (i) the theoretical characterization of special classes of entangled system-environment states, (ii) the discovery of novel quantum chaotic phases of matter, (iii) the design of control schemes which speed-up efficient adiabatic (slow) protocols, and (iv) the development of experimentally viable theoretical control schemes. This work paves the way for experimental implementations of efficient quantum control schemes in trapped ion systems, semiconductors, and nano-diamonds.
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